The Shocking Truth

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  Heyyyy it's time for me to go to bed but I don't wanna so I'm just going to write because I can't concentrate on reading. I'll try and concentrate on writing but I may not be able to! OK guys I need help! Who do you picture Raines as? Like what actress or singer do you picture her as? Part of me says Miley Cyrus, part of me says Jana Kramer, but I don't think either of them quite fit it so I need you help so please help me and just comment on who you picture her as so I can make a cast for the story and maybe you'll be the persons idea I use! So go ahead and rea but don't forget to comment! 

Raines' POV 

"Oh. Since it was so early we left him at the house," my dad said casually, "We left him a note too so he won't flip out. But as soon as you're released from the hospital we'll go home and make sure he's OK." 

"Oh, good. I thought he was like dead or something. Don't scare me like that!" I held my heart and then sat back on the bed. "Um, think we should get a nurse back in here to put these in me?" 

"I'll go get one." Niall left the room in search of a doctor or nurse to come put the three needles back in me. Wait three needles. I shouldn't have even opened my mouth.  

  I sat on the hospital bed with the bag of Nando's in front of me. I honestly didn't want to eat, but I knew I didn't want food injected into me, so I really had no choice. I opened the bag and grabbed a salad, ready to eat. All eyes were on me. I took a spoonful and everyone was still looking at me. 

"What?" I said with a mouthful of food. I couldn't help but laugh along with everyone. "OK, I think I should introduce everyone now?" I looked at my parents then at the boys. They all nodded. "Well, the blond one that just ran out to get the nurse, he's Niall. This idiot right here," I ruffled Louis' hair, "Is Louis. Then this one," I smiled at Liam," As we all know is Liam." He waved. "And then that one," I had to point to Zayn since he was out of reach, "That's Zayn. Then the curly haired kid is Harry." I smiled at Harry. "Last but not least are the only adults in here, my parents." I gestured to them and everyone waved. "OK, now stop looking at me so I can eat. I'm very self conscious." I got a few laughs from everyone when Niall walked in with the nurse. 

"Hello darling, since you're awake and eating we won't need to put the needles back in your arm." It took all I had not to scream out of pure joy. "And you can leave whenever you want. Your stable, but you need to eat." I just nodded a the use who left after that.  

"Let me finish eating and then we can leave."  

A few minutes later I finished my salad and was changing into the jeans and tank top my mom had brought me. I walked out of the hospital bathroom and everyone was talking to each other. 

"Let's leave." I said. I was the first out of the hospital room. I felt two sets of arms around me. I looked to my. Left and saw Zayn and then on my right was Harry. 

"You OK?" Harry asked me. 

"I feel better. Just a little sore." 

"You've grown on me Raines, I'll miss you when we leave for X-Factor." I tried to smile away what was really there. Zayn kissed my forehead then walked away so Liam could replace him. Liam immediately kissed my cheek. 

"Don't scare me like that again," Liam whispered before leaning his head against mine. "Harry hands off my girl." Harry just laughed before removing his arm. I didn't mind all the attention from the guys. I wanted to fall asleep on Liam though because it was like three in the morning and I was awake.

"Tired?" Liam asked, reading my mind.

"Very. But Liam, can bayou drop me off at m house? I'm sure my parents want to talk to me." 

"Sure." He kissed me again and we headed to the elevator. 

"Mom, I'm going to ride home with Liam, but he's going to drop me off at our house." My mom just smiled. I rode the elevator down with Liam, Niall, Louis, Harry, and Zayn. "Guys I want to thank you for coming." I looked at all of them. I wished so bad I could be with them during X-Factor but I just didn't have the nerve. 

"GROUP HUG!!" Louis shouted. I was soon crushed by a big hug. I didn't mind though. 

"I'm going to miss you guys so much," I whispered. 

"We'll miss you too." Harry said. As we backed away from the hug I tried to hide the tears that were threatening to fall. "Hey, we have two weeks." Hardy pulled me into his arms and I hugged him back. I blinked back the tears. I had to be strong, for their sake. I didn't want them thinking it was their fault I was upset. When it was just that they were leaving that was killing me. I heard the elevator ding and I let go of Harry. Even though he was right, I was afraid I would never see them again. I'd miss the curly haired boy. I'd miss all of them. They were always there for me. Now they wouldn't be. Two weeks. Just two weeks. 

I hugged each boy before they all headed to their cars. When it was just Liam and I standing their. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I'd wrap mine around his neck, pulling him close to me. I didn't want to let go. I don't think I'd ever be able to. I felt the tears com back to my eyes. I won't cry. I won't cry. 

"C'mon, let's get you home." Liam said and he lead me to his car. I got in the passenger seat and he got in the driver's seat. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "Are you crying?" I turned to Liam and looked him in the eyes. It was too late to try and hide it. I went ahead and let the tears fall. Liam tilted my chin so I was looking at him again. He wiped away the tears with his thumb. "Don't cry. You'll make me cry. And I don't like seeing you cry." I nodded and took a deep breath. 

"I won't cry. I'll be strong for you and the guys. And I want you to know, I'll be watching every night, and I'll vote for all of you. But I'll make sure you get an extra vote." I smiled weakly at him. He leaned over and kissed my lips gently and then started his car. I didn't even look back at the hospital. I wanted to forget about it. I wanted to just imagine that I was never there, but the promises I made my parents were the only memories I wanted from there.  

I looked at my lap, suddenly finding my chipped nail polish interesting. 

"We need a song." Liam said suddenly. I looked up at him. We do. We need a song. But what song? 

"What song?" I asked. 

"Let's see..." He began thinking about what song would be our song. My mind was drawing a blank. 

"I have no clue do you?" 

"No, but I'm still thinking..." I looked out the window, hoping to get an idea, when it hit me. 

"SUPERBASS!!!!" I suddenly screamed. 


"Superbass! Remember when you came to pick me up and you started singing Superbass?" 

"Oh yeah!! OK, Superbass it is." I'm sure we're the only couple who's song would be Superbass, but I was happy with it.  

"This one is for the boys with the boomin system, top down AC, with the coolin system  

When he come up in the club he be blazin up got stacks on deck like he savin up" 

I started doing the beginning of the Superbass. Liam joined me when we got to the chorus. I actually forgot for a few minutes that in two weeks we wouldn't be able to do this.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now