The Second Concert

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Hehe. That last chapter was...eventful. What do you think about this one? Comment what you think when you finish reading!!

Raines' POV

   I made my way down the hall, feet slightly padding on the carpet floor. After the tour bus incident, I saw Louis once, and that was it. I haven't seen any of the other boys since, but I had to admit, I was purposely ignoring them. So I couldn't complain. I ended up staying in the tour bus with Lou and Lux last night. Lou brought me some sweats and stayed with me while I cried. Lou is honestly like a second mother to me. And Lux is like my baby sister.

  I stood in front of Josh, Andy, Sandy, and Jon's room, fixing to knock. Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall, and Zayn were all trying to reason with Liam in his room, I don't even want to know how that was going. I knew he hated me now. He has every right to. So I might as well keep my distance. At least I got my phone back from Harry this morning. Well, Lou got it from him, since I didn't exactly feel like facing any of the boys just yet.

  I hesitantly raised my hand and knocked on the door. I waited a few seconds before the door swung open.

"Sav... I mean, Raines. Hey," Josh said. I forced a smile.

"Hey. I'm kind of avoiding all of the guys today, and they're probably avoiding me, and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out until it's time for the concert?" I said, more of a question. I gave him a hopeful look and he smiled.

"Sure. Let me go put on my shoes. You can come in, beware though it's a bit of a mess," He said, opening the door with a laugh. I smiled and walked in, following behind Josh. I stopped at the end of the hallway, seeing Andy and Sandy on the couch, eating and watching TV.

"So I have a question, is your name Savannah, or is it Raines?" Andy asked me, with a mouthful of pizza. I laughed.

"It's Raines."

"Well you look nice today Raines. I like you better without your sunglasses on. You have beautiful eyes," He told me. I smiled and blushed, looking at my feet as my hair fell over my face.

"Stop flirting Andy or Harry's going to kill you!" Josh called from the back.

"About that, what's up with you and Harry?" Sandy asked, turning the volume down on the TV and looking at me.

"Well, Harry and I have been best friends, since before X-Factor, and he found out who I really was, and he was there for me since he was the only one who knew. So that's why we were acting close."

"And do you actually have a boyfriend?" Andy asked, eyebrow raised, I could tell he was hinting something.

"No. I don't." I told him.

"Then who were you talking to on the phone that one day?" He asked confused.

"My dog," I told him and started laughing. They gave me a weird look and turned back to the TV.

"O....k then?" I laughed again, Josh coming out of his room.

"Ready to go Raines?" He asked me, pulling on a hoodie over his tank top. I nodded, turning around towards the door.

"Bye guys!" I called to Andy and Sandy.

"Bye!" They shouted at the same time. Josh shut the door behind him as he walked out of the room.

"So what did you have in mind for today Raines?" He asked me as we walked down the hall towards the elevator door. He smashed the 1 and the doors opened.

"I want to go get a tattoo."


  Josh and I walked out of the tattoo parlor, my hand wrapped up. I got 7 tattoos that I've been wanting forever. I figured, with all the money I've been making from YouTube, and I didn't even get to really celebrate my birthday yesterday, why not?

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now