A New Beginning. Will They Recognize Me?

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  You guys may hate me or love me. I'm not sure. I love you guys either way. <3 ENJOY THIS! It is going to be so interesting. My heart is racing just getting ready to finally type this chapter. I've been planning it for forever. Here goes nothing.


****two years later, two weeks before One Direction's TMH Tour****

Raines' POV

"Boys, I'd like to introduce you to your opening act for the tour," Paul said introducing me to the boys, who I knew very well, but no one knew that. "Her name is Savannah. You boys are going to behave ok?"  I looked at the boys as they looked at me.

"My name is Louis 'the Tommo' Tomlinson. Nice to meet you!" Louis said. I smiled and waved at all of them. I was so nervous. I had butterflies in my stomach. I haven't seen any of them in two years. Of course I kept up with Harry, but none of the others. I watched all X-Factor episodes and voted every episode until they were gone. It was weird seeing them again. Especially Liam. Good thing none of them knew who I actually was, then it'd be really, really bad and embarrassing. And awkward.

"I guess the boys will introduce themselves. Since Louis already has. I'll leave you kids here. First concert is in two weeks, we have rehearsal tomorrow for everyone. OK?" We all nodded. I took a deep breath as Paul walked out of the room, he pat my back and then left. I turned back around and faced the boys. I looked at Liam. He has changed so much. Gotten a few tattoos, cut his hair, grew a lot taller, got muscular. He looked great though. He looked amazing. Where as I only gained about fifteen pounds in two years, I dip dyed my hair pink, so I could disguise myself even more from the boys. And I plan on flat ironing my hair every day for a while, along with wearing sunglasses for the next two weeks, so my eyes wouldn't give away my identity.

"Savannah, if you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing sunglasses when we're inside?" Liam asked me. My heart jumped in my chest. I missed him so much.

"Well, I scratched my cornea and I have to wear sunglasses for the next two weeks, except when I'm asleep. But I'll be able to take them off for the day of the concert." He nodded and looked away, going to sit down on the couch, the other boys followed behind him. I sat on the couch across from all of them, pulling my legs up to my chest and staring at the boys without them knowing it.

"So how's Danielle?" Louis asked. It felt good to be with them all once again. Even though they though I was some LA girl named Savannah.

"Who's Danielle?" I asked Liam. God it felt good to see him again even though he didn't know it was me.

"My girlfriend." Those two words broke my heart. It seemed to just suddenly snap. Luckily I wasn't sitting near anybody because I'm sure I was trembling. And luckily I had on the sunglasses because I'm sure my eyes had tears in them. And my hair was died pink on the ends but it would soon come out and they would know who I really was. It was a really big surprise.

"Oh." I looked out the window as if the subject no longer mattered. I didn't even bother to enter the conversation after what just happened. And what I just learned.

  I felt my arms pushing myself of the chair an heading towards the bathroom. Not one more word to the boys, and I even ignored them when they called my 'name'. I just wanted I be alone. Which is a feeling I guess I'd have to get used to now that the one I love loves someone else.

Liam's POV

  What just happened?

"Should one of us go talk to her?" Harry asked.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt