School and fun? Two different worlds

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   I got bored so I've decided I should update! Just a warning BIG surprises coming up in this book and in TSAHS aka The Summer After High School just incase you're reading that too! I hope you guys are having fun reading this....because you got a while before it stops!!! Haha don't worry it'll be extra special! But a little heart breaking...just a little inside into there for ya! 

  Anyway, guys I hate to break it to ya but....I can't think of anything at the moment....I'll catch up with you at the end of the chapter! So go on now and read like One Direction's lives depend on it!

Liam's POV 

  Raines and I laughed and walked down the hallway of our school, fingers entwined. She had on her glasses, holy jeans, a hot pink t-shirt, and her hair was down and flat ironed. She looked beautiful as always. She was explaining to me what her brother was doing when she walked into the house last night. Apparently he was jumping around his room listening to "One Time" by Justin Bieber. She said she'd send me the video later. 

"After he realized I was video taping I fell on the floor of his room laughing like a maniac."

"I would've too." We turned into our class and all eyes were on us. I felt Raines slip her hand out of mine. 

"Mr. Payne and Ms. Tyler. Care to explain why you were absent the past few days?" Our teacher asked us.

"Well you was sick and I had to take care of it..." I lied.

"My goldfish died," I heard Raines say form beside me. I couldn't help but laugh. Too much time with my friends could get you in serious shit.

"We can make a phone call to your parents once class is over, go find your seats." Raines and I looked a each other before making our way to the back of the class. 

  Raines set her books on her desk and sat down with the biggest smile on her face. I sat beside her and shook my head.

"Nice one," I whispered.

"Thanks!" She whispered back.

"No talking!"  The teacher yelled.

"Yes sir!" I said, sounding like a drill sergeant. Now it was Raines turn to laugh. The teacher eyed us before turning and facing the board. I high fived Raines under the table.

   After homeroom, Raines and I wouldn't see each other until English which was three periods away. But I'm sure we'd miss at least one of those because the teacher is calling our parents, and then we'd have to talk to the principle. I've never really got in trouble. But there's a first for everything right? 

  As the class was dismissed for second period Raines gave me a weary look. 

"You'll be fine," I whispered into her ear. I took her hand and she smiled at me as we made our way to the front of the class where the teacher sat on his desk. "You wanted to speak to us?"

"Yes, I want to know why you guys weren't attending school. Because neither were Louis Tomlinson Harry Styles, or Zayn Malik."

"Well you see Raines was getting bullied very, very badly, and it was causing these bad emotions and so...anyway I, I mean we, we were just helping Raines through all of that."

"He's right Mr. Raymond. They were just trying to help me through that and it's really my fault."

"So you were being bullied?" He asked her with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes. And it was VERY bad." I confirmed.

"How bad?"

"I'm not repeating it." I saw Raines get her phone out of her back pack. She tapped in her password and logged into Twitter. Was she going to show him?

Raines' POV

   I pointed the screen towards our teacher. He read through all the tweets I've received into past few days. I felt the tears in my eyes but blinked them away. I squeezed a little harder on Liam's hand so  could stay strong. 

"I'll schedule a meeting for the school to talk about this tomorrow." I took a deep breath and nodded. I put my phone back in my pocket and and Liam and I left the class room.

"And Raines!" I heard the teacher yell. I popped my head back in the classroom. "Did your gold fish really die?"

"No." I laughed and walked back out of the class room and almost ran into Liam. "God Liam!"

"Are you OK? You almost cut off the circulation in my hand back there."

"Yeah, I'm fine and sorry!"

"It's fine." He planted a kiss on my forehead and we parted ways. I have....French class. Woohoo. I said that with less excitement. Not that I get bullied in that not at all. That class is PERFECTLY fine. Yeah, not.

  I took a deep breath and opened the door to my French class. Of course everyone put their eyes on me.

"Mrs. Tyler. Late for the first time I see."

"Sorry Mrs. Gonzalez."

"Go find your seat."

"Yes ma'am." I turned away and walked to the back of the class once again. I heard people laughing from their seats. 

"Quiet down now!" The teacher began reading something I couldn't understand in French. Probably because I didn't have my book with me. 

  I sat in the to none other than Jessica. No not Simpson. This one was much worse. I saw her lips form a tight line as I sat in the chair next to her. I couldn't help but smile. Her discomfort gave me pleasure.

  I pulled my French book out of my bag and set it on my desk and flipped it open to the correct page.

"So are you and Liam together now?" I heard Jessica ask me.

"Yeah. Why?"

 "Oh, because I mean, I'm sure he could do better...I thought Liam actually had a brain.." She looked down at her book like she was paying attention. Most likely she was probably planning on how she was going to screw the next guy she could get her slimy little hands on.

"He does...because he's not dating you..." I rolled my eyes and focused back on my book. I saw her flip her perfect blonde hair. She scoffed.

"Honey, if you only knew." That got my attention.

"Knew what?" She smiled.

"Oh, nothing...just that Liam was once mine...until you came along..."

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora