Chapter 10:

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Previously on Saving Phoebe:

"Feisty." Kai grinned. "Okay."

"Come on, let's finish fixing the generator so we can get the hell out of here." Bonnie spoke.

Soon, the trio were working hard on the generator. 

*Mystic Falls*

Liz did not tear her eyes away from the window seat as old memories plagued her. "I want you to kill Bonnie Bennett and Caroline."

Klaus was taken aback. 

Chapter 10:

"Almost..." Kai bit his tongue as he twisted a wire. "Almost..."

"You've been saying that for days now," Bonnie scowled, glaring down at Kai. "Hurry up, will you?"

"Patience is a virtue, my darling Bonnie," Kai grunted as he twisted another wire. "Nearly done and we'll be home."

"Hope you're right, for all our sakes," Phoebe murmured as she looked around.

"I can't wait to leave this place," Bonnie looked at Phoebe and smiled. "What's the first thing you're gonna do?"

"I- the first thing..." Phoebe's eyebrows were furrowed as she thought. "I would... Kol. He's... I would try to-" Phoebe began to cry, startling Bonnie and Kai. "I- Kol!"

"I'm so sorry," Bonnie whispered as she hugged Phoebe. "I am so, so sorry for my role in all of this."

"I just- I wanna go back and be with Kol."

"I know," Bonnie whispered. "And soon, we will. We'll get our lives back. I will do anything- anything to bring him back Okay?"

"I hope so," Phoebe murmured as she wiped her tears away. "Kai, please. Try your best, okay?" 

"I intend to," Kai smiled. "Then I'll take you out on a date."

"Sure." Phoebe murmured. "Keep dreaming."

*in the living world*



"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I was just looking through Phoebe and Kol's wedding album," Rebekah turned a page and sighed. "Look, Nik, look how happy and in love they were. Look at the twinkle in Fee's eyes and our brother- have you ever seen Kol this happy, this in love?"

"Never," Klaus moved closer to his sister and sighed as he stared at the photos. "Ironic, isn't it? Kol was the most unpredictable and dangerous one out of us all, yet one girl, the love of one girl changed him."

"Only to end up dead," Rebekah exhaled as a tear rolled down her face. "I miss them so much, Nik, it hurts."

"I know, love," Klaus sighed. "But we will make them pay for what they did to our family,"

"I get first dibs on killing Caroline and Elena,"

Klaus chucked, "sooner than you think, sister,"

"What do you mean?"

"Liz wants me to kill Bonnie and Caroline,"

Rebekah smiled. "You better not disappoint her, Nik."

"i intend not to," Klaus smirked. "In fact... I've already put my plan in motion."


Klaus and Rebekah turned around to see Elijah.

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