Chapter 15:

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Previously on Saving Phoebe:

Just as Hayley left, Lexi looked at Matt. "Are you okay, Matt?"

"I don't know..." Matt was in a daze, "She called me... Matty?"

"She did," Stefan nodded solemnly.

"She's trying to reel you in, Matt," Tyler warned.

"Well, that's unfortunate..." Matt sighed, "there are only two people who called me Matty and both are dead."

"Phoebe is one," Stefan spoke.

"Phoebe and Vicki." Matt whispered.

Tyler's eyes widened. "What the fuck."

"Who's Vicki?" Lexi asked.

"My sister," Matt spoke, "what the fuck's going on? Both Fee and Vic are dead."

"Well, clearly one of them isn't..."

Matt, Tyler, Stefan and Lexi looked up to see Elijah and Elena standing there.


Chapter 15:

"Matt?" Elena asked. "Say something?"

"What- how the- what do I even say?" Matt gasped. "What do I say, Elena? Hm?"

"Did you- I mean, I know it's hard to accept, but Bonnie isn't- I think... Phoebe or Vicki." Elena trailed off as she noticed the look on Tyler's face; he was trembling as he thought about the dead girl he was still in love with. "Ty-"

"That's not possible," Matt stood up and began to pace. "No, that's not- yeah... not possible."

"Matt, think about it," Elena sighed, "you said it yourself, only Phoebe and Vicki ever called you Matty... and now, now, Bonnie does as well."

"What are you getting at?" Tyler asked Elena.

"Have you guys not noticed how Bonnie hasn't... she's not the same Bonnie she was this time last year." Elena glanced at Elijah, "I think something's happened to Bonnie. The real Bonnie."

"Yeah, her scheming and bullshit has come back to her," Tyler retorted, "that bitch had it coming, losing her eyesight. Couldn't have happened to a better person."

"Tyler, don't stoop to Bonnie's level," Stefan spoke.

Nodding, Tyler exhaled. 

"Tyler, don't you get it?" Elena asked imploringly. "Something is wrong."

"Bonnie is what's wrong- the bitch is sick in the damn head," Tyler rose and began to walk off. "I can't with this bullshit, Stefan, that bitch is getting everything she deserves for what she put Phoebe through. Whatever, I'm outta here."

"Stop." Elijah's tone was firm.

Tyler stopped, but did not turn around.

"From the pain in your voice, I gather you love Phoebe?" Elijah asked.

"He was in love with her," Elena whispered.

"He still is," Lexi murmured, near tears. 

"Yes," Tyler closed his eyes. 

"Then you owe it to her to find out the truth about Bonnie." Elijah walked towards Tyler and lightly gripped his shoulder. "Do it for her, if not for yourself..."

Tyler opened his eyes and nodded as he swallowed. "What do I do?"

"We need to go to Bonnie." Elena folded her arms. "Question her."

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