Chapter 9: Steam

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Glancing from the corner of your eye at the Prince and the other two said plenty. They most definitely knew what transpired after Moonlight closed for the evening earlier in the week.

"Oniichan!" Iris began excitedly, "You remember I used to play at my best friend's house all the time when I was in kindergarten?" Oh dear Six! No Iris, no! You slid down in your chair a little, awaiting your pending doom.

"Mmm?" You heard the male hum to indicate he was listening.

"Fate has reunited us!" There truly was no limit to the energy Iris had. You were most definitely excited about seeing Iris again after almost two decades of being apart. But now, you were squirming in anticipation of what was going to unravel within the next couple of seconds.

"Oh?" The male replied, "What are the odds in that? Unless that's the main reason you wanted to come to Lestallum?"

"I came here for work and you know it!" Iris grumbled cutely, making her brother laugh.

"Oi, what's got you three grinning like idiots?" The male asked. You could only assume they had huge grins reaching from one ear to the other. You didn't dare look up, concentrating on anything but the people around you. That also meant Gladio hadn't gotten a good look at you yet.

"(Your Name)! This is my Oniichan, Gladiolus," Iris introduced happily, standing up and pulling you up with her. You finally looked up after taking a deep breath. "But everyone calls him Gladio,"

"Hi there," They were the simplest words you could muster, but words were no longer necessary when you saw Gladio's eyes widen in recognition, a smirk forming on his devilishly handsome face afterward. No wonder Iris' eyes reminded me of someone. They were essentially the same color, shape and had the same warmth.

"Didn't think a road trip with the boys, and my little sister coming along would lead to me seeing the pretty lil' bartender again," Gladio commented flirtatiously. Normally you'd get flustered or embarrassed, but you didn't. Instead, you felt a flirtatious smile form on your face. Something deep inside made you feel this was wrong. But flashes of your sleepless evening with Gladio, along with the pleasant homecooked breakfast that followed afterward, reignited a dormant desire deep inside and burn at full power. Your eyes trailed from Gladio's eyes to his lips, still formed in that handsome smirk. Those lips were all over me that night... You shook your head realizing where your thoughts were going, remembering you had company.

"I didn't think a road trip with some old friends and being reunited with my childhood best friend would lead to me seeing the handsome shield again," You threw back, enjoying the chuckle that rumbled from Gladio's chest.

"Something tells me, this is going to be quite the enjoyable trip," Gladio's eyes raked down your body. It was quite obvious he was undressing you in his mind. His eyes lingered a few times, most likely retracing where he either left love marks or held you tightly during the climax of that night. I'd be more than happy to let you mark me again.

"Maybe," You replied cheekily with a shrug, "Depends on who will enjoy it more,"

Gladio clicked his tongue playfully at you before reluctantly turning to the person responsible for the loud and obvious cough. You felt your stomach tie into knots seeing the faces of Mr. and Mrs. Joarde and lastly, Iris. The protective glint in Trent's eyes matched his frown, while his wife's eyes were practically sparkling with curiosity and excitement. Iris looked no different to Prompto earlier with her eyes wide and jaw hanging wide open. Chuckling, Gladio reached for his younger sister's chin, closing her mouth for her. Iris' eyes darted from you to her brother and then back to you. The cogs of her mind were going in overdrive, with Prompto poking the shocked young woman in the cheek.

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