Chapter 7: Grounded

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Half past midnight? 

You blinked your sore eyes a few times when you peeked up and saw the wall clock of your hotel room. Trent still had his arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders. When Mia wasn't rubbing your back, she would pull you from Trent and wipe your face with a warm face washer. The seamless actions between them bringing you back to the many times your parents would care for you when you were sick. 

"You feeling a little better Flor?" Trent asked softly, peering into your face as you pulled back from him. I'm exhausted more than anything.

"You two would make great parents," You mumbled. Mia wrapped her arms around you, pulling you away from Trent and letting you lean against her. 

"And you'd make one hell of an auntie," Mia replied, leaning her head against yours affectionately when you hugged her arms around your neck. 

"If that's the case, you're grounded," Trent butted in, making you wonder he was joking around or not.

"Grounded? Why am I grounded?" You asked curiously.

"You are not going to see Arielle," Trent replied simply. You would have naturally jumped out of Mia's arms, had she not used some of her strength and caged you in her embrace. Holy shit woman. You're stronger than you really let on. 

"You know I can't do that. Even if it means I make you both happy," You defended, having given up in fighting against Mrs. Joarde's insane strength.

"(Your Name). My brother would seriously curse me from the heavens if something happens to you," Talking about Mykos, no matter how many years had passed, seemed to still affect Trent, just as much as you. The two brothers no doubt had an unshakable bond, whereas when it came to you, they were a force to be reckoned with. It seemed Mia felt the same way, despite your first meeting being less than 24 hours ago.

"I expect Trent to argue with me about this," You sighed, "But I don't get what angle you're coming from Mia," You asked, feeling Mia's embrace loosen around you. You pulled back from her to face her properly, seeing her eyes watering in worry. She enclosed both your hands in hers, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"Mine is little more selfish," Mia confessed, glancing at her husband behind you, "I was an only child growing up (Your Name). I've actually known the Joarde twins for a long time, being the daughter of one of their earlier mentor Hunters. I was always jealous of their bond, and even more so when you joined and became Trent's adopted little sister," 

"Just Trent's adopted sister?" You asked curiously, glancing back at Trent who looked like he was reminiscing to those days.

"I'm pretty sure you already know Flor," Trent shared, "Although we are twins and quite alike, you were one of the very few things we saw differently. He treated you like he did to all our younger members at the beginning, but as you grew up, it was a lot more obvious, except for you, that he saw you as a woman and not a sibling," He placed his big hand atop your head, something he did all the time when you were still a child and occasionally as a teenager. "Mia's parents refused to let her join us since she didn't have the best health, even though she's quite talented. So every time we visited Prairie Post, I'd share some of the adventures we had. She was especially smitten by you," Trent emphasized, nodding towards his wife. Feeling Mia's hands tighten around yours, draw your attention back to her, who had a warm, nostalgic expression on her face.

"Listening to those stories from Trent, I noticed you had taken up a lot of my father's advice, even adapting his fighting style. I actually felt quite honored and proud. Father always spoke about how you had quite the eye for things, which is not something easily learned. At least at such a young age, it's often considered something you're born with," Mia recounted proudly, "I felt like I was there with Trent and Mykos, and living the hunter's life through you,"

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