Chapter 13: Him

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You sat quietly on the bed as everyone silently filed out, except the Royal Shield still leaning against the back of the armchair.

After Noctis' curious inquiry, the rest of the conversation was further explaining Arielle's personality: seeking revenge, jealous and spiteful. Yet everything felt like a blur after seeing Gladio's expression change for a split second after Trent explained your nickname. There was a silent understanding between you both that there was still so much more you didn't know about one another. But you hadn't counted in a reunion during a task that required to bare all to your new love interest. Does he see me the same as I see him? What is this exactly? Your thoughts wandered to what Gladio said to assure Iris, feeling greedy in the sense you wanted to know exactly how he felt, especially after hearing a nutshell of your heavy past.

"... staying over at a woman's apartment long enough to have brunch and returning home near lunch time was a sign this particular one is special..."

You could feel his eyes on you even after the door clicked, signaling the last person had left and you two were now alone. Originally you had other plans for once the pair of you were alone. The sexual tension between you was almost unbearable. But, it would have to wait, or may never happen with the conversation that was going to unfold.

"I think I'm definitely the only person who won't be able to call you 'Flor'," Gladio's voice sounded a little distant, making you cringe a little. "For obvious reasons," Obvious? You turned to face Gladio seeing the conflicted expression on his face. "I don't need to be told that Trent's twin brother meant a lot more to you than you let on. Regardless if Trent mentioned the relationship or not," Gladio sighed, stretching his muscular arms a little as he got up. "You wanna tell me about him?"

"Him?" You whispered.

"Him," Gladio repeated, standing in front of you at the edge of the bed.

"Tell me what you think he means to me," You were reluctant to let the words come out of your mouth. There were many ways this could go. What scared you was that sharing your past could potentially lead you to lose something you knew you wanted. You wanted to keep Gladio where he was or closer if possible. Seeing the disappointed smile and the glimmer of sadness in his eyes cut you deeply.

"Some wounds never completely heal, especially when there is so much left to do," Gladio said wisely, "If I had to describe what he means to you, I'd say... he means the world to you,"


"Why do you feel like you owe me an explanation?" Gladio's question threw you off a little. You stared up at the giant who let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. "You do realize, we've been having fun up until this point. I'm curious to know why you're suddenly going all serious on me," Don't tell me... "I personally don't see whatever we have going as a fling or an on-going 'friends-with-benefits' thing," Gladio admitted, sitting down next to you and pulling you to lie down with him on the bed, feet still hanging off the edge of the bed. Without thinking, you cuddled up to him, resting your head on his chest, finding comfort in his steady heartbeat.

"I feel like I should explain because it's you," You answered, tugging at the fabric of his black singlet a few times.

"Because it's me? As in because I'm Iris' older brother?" He asked, chuckling when you smacked his stomach lightly and hid your face in his chest.

"No..." You mumbled. "I saw the way your eyes flashed when Trent mentioned his brother,"

"Trent's twin, Mykos, also known as your late boyfriend?" Gladio was sharp as ever, getting straight to the point.

"What is it that made you want to talk to me?" You asked curiously, pushing up from Gladio's chest and looking down at him. His warm, brown eyes danced as if thinking back to that night at Moonlight.

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