Chapter 3: Ol' Friend

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After your meeting with Regis and his council, you headed straight home, sighing at the task at hand. You glanced at the photo frame atop your dresser and wondered what to make of what Regis had told you. You knew it was possible they had gone astray, but you didn't think it would result in them completely changing and causing trouble. Walking over to look at the photo closely, you felt your stomach tighten seeing the people in it. There was a group of 10 people, yet your eyes focused on where two 16-year-old twin males who stood either side of a 12-year-old you, identical grins plastered on their faces. One twin had you in a loose headlock, while the other was leaning casually on his brother's shoulder. Those two were your saving grace and the reason why you had such fond memories in being a part of the Phoenix Hunters. Putting the photo frame back where it belonged, you went back to checking over your belongings, your mind drifting to where it all began.

"I know this is probably the worse time to ask, and you can refuse me completely..."

"Oi... Mykos. Are you really going to do this?"

"Shut it, Trent. She has nowhere to go now. Are you honestly suggesting we leave her to fend for herself?"

"... of course not. I just don't want (Your Name) to suddenly come to regret this way of life later down the track,"

"That's something she can decide for herself as she grows up,"

"Your call bro,"

"Hey (Your Name), remember how I mentioned we're part of a group of Hunters? We actually created the group, so that makes us the leaders," A 10-year-old you looked up at the 14-year-old boy who had his arms wrapped around your shoulders, his face less than an inch away from yours. "You won't be alone. We all look after one another, protect each other and fight together,"

"But... I don't know how to fight," You mumbled through your tears, fearing they were going to take back their offer.

"You think we knew how to fight from the beginning?" Mykos chuckled kindly, taking the handkerchief Trent handed him and using it to wipe your face. "We'll teach you, and we have older, more experienced Hunters as mentors. There is no way we'll take on a hunt that we can't handle as a group," You looked from Mykos to his brother, who gave you a reassuring smile. "So what do you say?"

"... Okay,"

You zipped up your duffle bag, hoping you didn't pack too much. You weren't exactly sure how long you'd be out of Insomnia for, but considering you were temporarily traveling with two glaives, you decided against bringing too much. Checking your apartment once again, you sighed as you locked up and headed towards the parked car on the street of your apartment complex. You were thankful Regis had arranged for your rent and bills were covered up until your return, considering it was because of his request you might be gone for a while.

Locking eyes with the glaives who were escorting you to Prairie Outpost, you put your duffle bag in the trunk and got into the back seat.

"Before we head off, can I ask what your names are?" You asked politely, not wanting to make the same mistake you did with Pelna. "Since we are going to be in the car for a while," Both males chuckling made you feel like you asked something strange. The one driving was well built, quite handsome in your books, with his brown hair styled in a shaven mohawk. The other glaive was a little bigger than his companion, with a slightly unkempt beard.

It was the one with the beard who answered. "Libertus Ostium," He said gesturing to himself, "The hero-looking driver is Nyx Ulric," Nyx rolled his eyes at his fellow glaive's introduction of him.

"Is it safe to assume that 'Hero' title is not something you came up with Nyx?" You smirked, seeing Nyx's blue eyes glance up and lock with yours in the reflection of the rearview mirror. Damn... Getting hot from intense stares seem to be a reoccurring theme when it comes to the opposite sex.

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