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"Must have gone crazy...", I heard her mumble.

Unbelievable...Is she for real..?

"What do I have to explain? I mean ...You were here the whole time right?", I asked her.

She looked at me with a confused expression. Don't tell me...

"Did you blank out during the conversation earlier?". I was dumbfounded when she nodded a yes.

How can someone not be aware of what is happening around them..?I too blank out sometimes. But not to the extent of not knowing what is happening in my surroundings.

This girl is really something. I just shook my head.

"So care to explain now?", she asked in a rather annoyed tone.

"Yang sajangnim asked whether you were hungry and you said 'Ne'", I replied imitating her blanked out tone earlier."So he asked us to enjoy our little 'lunch date' at the cafeteria."

She nodded understandingly.

"Why are you standing still? Mind showing the way Ms.Manoban?", I asked. She just looked at me and it took her 948263 years to realize that I don't know the way.

As soon as she realized, she pressed the lift button and it opened pretty much fast. She pressed the floor and we just stood still, awkwardness starting to fill the air.

She broke the silence, "Uhmm...You don't need to force yourself to eat with me. You can just leave if you want."

"I ought to eat with you. Since your sajangnim's request sounded almost like an order and also remember our agreement,'We have to make the people around us believe that we are happy'?",I told her.

Earlier Yang sajangnim said that he will be pleased to treat us a meal at his cafeteria. But for some reason it came out as an order, which must be obeyed. He has a strange aura around him, which makes him sound authoritative. 

But that is not the reason I agreed for it. I have always heard about the YG cafeteria and have seen it multiple times in TV and I also wanted to try the food, which my favorite artists ate.

The Bigbang fan hiding inside me came out. But I never want to show it outside. 

The lift door opened and we entered the cafeteria. I just followed her, looking around the place. She suddenly stopped and turned around, which made me bump into her slightly.I took a step back quickly and cleared my throat.

I don't know why but whenever I am with her, I feel something strange(?).More like cautious? Is it because of unfamiliar place? I don't understand and so I just shrugged off the unnecessary thoughts.

"Whatever you want to eat, you can choose from the menu over here.", she said and pointed towards the menu board. I was startled to see their regular menu. It doesn't seem like a cafeteria menu. Its more like a star Korean cuisine.

 As I was choosing the menu, she handed me a plate and took one for herself. I was contemplating on choosing between beef and pork.

Before I could decide, a lady came out from the kitchen and called out for Lisa, who was busy staring at beef and filling her plate with only greens.

"Unnie annyeong!!", Lisa said and smiled at her.

"Got a call from sajangnim's office just now. You can eat anything you want", she said and turned towards me, "Since you are our special guest you can order anything. Even if its not in the menu, we will prepare it right away", she said and smiled at me.

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