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The elevator door opened and we entered. He followed me closely, which made me a little conscious, as our hands brushed. The door was about to close, when a group a people suddenly flooded the elevator.

The main lobby of our company was actually being renovated and so now a days, this part of the building is frequented by workers.

As more people started entering, he put on his mask.

I just rolled my eyes. As if they were gonna recognize him. Pft. Even if they recognize him, its not a big deal. I mean.....we are inside the company. So there is nothing to worry.

"Your eyes might roll out if you are gonna keep on doing that", he said, rolling his eyes, imitating me and moved back to make space for the people entering. I turned  to speak back, but then I was shocked at how close we were standing. So I just turned away, without saying anything.

This .is .so.awkward. I am sure he also would have felt uncomfortable, as he cleared his throat multiple times.

I felt his hot breath caressing the back of my neck. My heart started beating like crazy. Suddenly I became over sensitive of  my surroundings. I noticed that his hand was placed on the side handle near me. One small move and his hand will brush against my bare waist.

Why did I have to wear crop top of all these days~~~? I just tried to compose myself and took a deep breathe.

At that moment, the door opened and I sighed in relief that we finally arrived. But then I noticed that we were still at 5th floor.

God...20 seconds feels like an eternity....

Usually I am not the type to feel uncomfortable by someone's presence. But this was very much out of my comfort zone.

But looks like he doesn't mind standing so close to a 'stranger'. Anyways I prayed hard for this to end.

It was as if the heavens heard me, that we arrived at 7th floor. I immediately rushed out.

"Why are you walking so quickly..!!?Are you being chased by someone?", he asked.

"Why can't you just follow me without saying anything!", I replied annoyed by his  question.

"You are the one who is being weird. Rushing out of the elevator, when we have so much time left for the meeting!God~~~The things I have to go through because of this marriage......", he retorted back.

"What? I am being weird? You think that I am happy with this marriage. Can you even call this a marriage? I too don't want to get involved in your life!", I said. "You just don't understand how this has become a huge factor in my career. We are summoned by sajangnim for a meeting!That too at THE 7TH FLOOR!!This how big the situation has become", I continued, emphasizing the word, '7th floor'.

Once again, I started imagining about what sajangnim has to say about this marriage and most important of all, I want to know why he wanted to meet this JungJerk.


I was extremely irritated by her. If only my manger hyung was here to guide me , I wouldn't had to follow her.

She was acting weird all the time inside the elevator and she just began to run, as if she was being chased. I don't really understand her problem. Huh..I agree that it was a bit uncomfortable inside the elevator and I could really tell that it was way out of her comfort zone. She was just over reacting.

This is not even my fault . Its not like I wanted to stick so close to her. I had no other choice.

Also she raised her voice towards me, when I did nothing wrong and that is one of the thing which I hate the most. Just because I am being patient, it doesn't mean that she can do whatever she can.

"What is the big deal about this'The-7th-floor' thing ? No one is gonna eat you up. Don't get worked up for such silly things..", I said, anger clearly evident in my tone.

But my words didn't get through her. She just drifted off to her own world. I could tell that she was getting more and more nervous, with each passing minute.

"Why don't you just clear up your air head so that you can hear people and not get yourself into any trouble?", I said, as my anger just subsided seeing her nervous.

"Air head? Me? Its my problem, if I get into any trouble? Are you worried for me or something?", she asked.

"As if I care..",I trailed off.

The next moment, I heard some voices behind me. As I turned around, they greeted me.

"Anyeonghaseyo sunbaenim", said a guy. I figured that it was Kim Hanbin and Bobby of iKon.

I also greeted them and bowed.

"Oh!Lalisa !What are you doing here!!!?Did you get into any trouble?", Hanbin asked her.

"Noooo~~~~", she replied in a boring tone .

"Then what are you doing here?", Bobby questioned.

Before she could say anything, Hanbin interrupted, "I am sure she must have messed up something for real."and shook his head in a teasing way.

From their conversation, I figured out that this '7th-floor'is truly a thing, as the rumors say.

She just threw a fist in air and said ,"No. Its not like what you think. I just have my own reasons"

"Fine.Just stay strong, I am sure that everything will be OK", Bobby assured her, with an over dramatic expression.

He reminded me of my hyungs' dramatic face.

"Sunbaenim. You must be here for meeting right. Sajangnim's assistant wanted you to be there in 15 minutes and she also apologized for the delay", he said .

I just nodded my head and  replied, "OK. Not a big problem".

"Ok sunbaenim. We will get going", they both said and bowed.

Before leaving, they just said 'fighting' to lisa and patted her back.

"I told you that this is not anything serious~~~no need to worry about me", she said, before they vanished from our sight.

So this is how Lalisa Manoban normally behaves towards people...How come she doesn't talk like that with me. I mean...I know that we just met and also we don't even like each other. But I still wanted to be treated better.

Wait..Since when did I start to care about how she treats me? Not my concern anyways....


End of chapter 7.

As I said previously,the flashback is going to be a little bit long.So put up with it.

And thank you for reading my story.


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