Setting a Plan

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Violet Pov

After the whole "drowning" incident I tried to be on my best behavior for Jack. I was always with him and told him everything. If I was going out I would text him and he would tell me that he would meet me there or to wait for him for he could go with me. I didn't talk to anyone at all due to the fear of what he could do to me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I love him, but I know it's not right for me to be with him. I really do want to break up with him, but I can't. I know if I try to do something he would just hurt me again. I needed a plan to get out of this relationship. I needed someone's  help for I could talk to them and get some advice on what I should do. But, there was no one there for me. Jack removed all of my friends from my life, so I was alone in this situation. I know I will get through this situation by myself.

Throughout the day, I was thinking of the ways I could be single again without him hurting or even killing me. The best idea was for him to break up with me. I know Jack will threaten me with my career and the whole record label, but my health and life was more important than all of that. The only way that I know he would break up with me would be because of Kian and Colby. I know I couldn't make up the story of me talking to him or anything because he could just call them and ask if it's true. The only way to do this is to make it public . I know the best way is to post a picture of me with Kian or Colby on Instagram and Jack will immediately freak. That's what I was going to do. I was looking through my phone to see if there are any good pictures that the fans haven't seen yet for I could post. Jack hasn't went through my camera roll so he would think that we met up or something and I just posted the picture. I was trying to find the best picture possible until I found two. This was my moment to get my life back together. I uploaded the two pictures with the caption

 I uploaded the two pictures with the caption

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 "a girl and her two bestfriends💛"

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"a girl and her two bestfriends💛"

When I posted the picture I immediately followed Kian and Colby back.  The comments started flooding under my pictures. They were mostly about how they love our friendship and that I'm so lucky to have both of them. They were even some comments saying that they were surprised I'm still friends with them after I unfollowed them and deleted their pictures. Only if they all knew that I don't talk to any of them and I'm trying to get out of this abusive relationship. After 30 minutes after I posted the picture there was a loud knock on my door knowing it was Jack. I prepared myself and I opened the door.

"I just saw the pictures that you posted on your Instagram. What the fuck are you doing" Jack screamed storming into my apartment.

"What Jack? I'm just showing appreciation to my best friends."

"Your Bestfriends? They don't even talk to you?"

"They don't talk to me because of you. You made me get rid of them."

"I already told you why you needed to stop hanging out with them. They used you and lied to you. And don't forget what Kian told me about you."

"That's not true. I am now realizing that is not true. They would never do that me never. I was just too stupid to realize it because I loved you and i will do anything for you. But now with the shit that you did to me. Hovering me over my stairs and almost drowning me. I'm just scared."

"You know that I will never hurt you. I'm just here to protect you. When I saw those pictures it hurt me. And Violet I already gave you a chance before and a warning. So I'm telling you this. It's either me or them. And you know what will happen if you choose wrong."

"Yea I know Jack you will threaten me with my career. That the record label will drop me, but I don't care. I chose my safety and my best friends. I'm sorry Jack."

"Wow just like that Violet. Seriously,"

"I'm sorry Jack."

Jack started coming close to me. He stood right in front me and I was scared what he was going to do.

"Fine it's your decision. Say goodbye to your career. It's over for you."

"It's going to be over for you too. I'm going to say the things that you did to me. Manipulating me, almost killing me. If I go down you go down with me."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh you know I will. I could play this game too so don't fucken try me Jack."

"Fine have it your way, but the label is still going to drop you."

"I don't care about the label just leave."

So Jack step back after I said that. He didn't do anything to me which I was relieved about. Jack was heading towards the door, before he stopped and said something to me.

"Violet I just want to let you know that I really did love you and I was just trying to protect you. I would never really hurt you ok. I just fell in love with you."

"Yea I know that Jack, but it wasn't right. And also I love you too. I loved you so much you were my everything."

When I said those last words Jack left my apartment. I was finally free and happy. After 5 minutes that Jack left, Ben texted me saying that it wasn't working out and that he was going to drop me. I knew this was coming but I didn't expect it to be so quick. It doesn't really matter now because I have no more ties with Jack. I really tried to process everything and take everything in before I planned my next move. Since I had no label that means no more new songs for awhile. The only next possible thing is to repair my friendship with the two important men in my life. So I decided to call Kian first but he didn't answer. I called him again and he still decided answer. Then I called Colby and he didn't answer. I tried again and there was still no answer. So I texted them both separately to call me and then I created a group message with us three. In that group chat I sent the same message to call me.

It has been 4 days since my breakup with Jack and the fans still don't know that. They still believe that we are still together. I am just waiting for Jack to say something first and then I'll do the same thing. It also been 4 days since I texted the boys. I still haven't received one message from them at all. I know for a fact they are ignoring me because both of them are posting on Instagram so for sure they have seen my message. I really fucked up my friendships for a relationship. Kian was so right I'm a loner again in this big city.

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