Second Confrontation

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Kian's POV

I really had no idea what was going on with Violet. She literally cancelled on me last minute and hasn't even talked to me since. Violet ignored me and I don't know why. I asked Franny if she has talked to her recently and she hasn't. Then I called Colby and he hasn't talked to her either. No one has seen her or heard from her in such a long time and it's really pissing me off. Violet can't ditch us like this. We all helped her and supported her and then she drops us like nothing. To make matters even worse she deleted all of her pictures of us and the rest of her friends. Then she had the audacity to unfollow most of us. That's just really fucked up. Violet literally had no reason to do this. I couldn't take it anymore I need answers. I'm just trying to be a good friend and be there for her but she is making it difficult. I really needed answers towards her actions, so I decided to call her.

"What Kian?" I was surprised that she actually answered me with such a rude tone.

"Yea hi to you too Violet. What the fuck is going on with you?"

"Nothing is going on with me. I'm perfectly fine."

"Well I want to know what was the reason why you ditched me and haven't talked to me."

"Kian I'm busy. I'm sorry I have a career that I need to focus on."

"We both know that you have free time and you can't give a quick call to any of your friends to see how they are or anything."

"Sorry Kian I just don't have time."

"Yea sure you don't Violet. Also why did you delete our pictures from your Instagram and with all your friends. You even unfollowed us. What was that for?"

"Honestly Kian I'm just doing a cleanse. And I believe it's better if we aren't friends anymore. It's also better that I stop being friends with the other guys."

"What do you mean? We literally have been with you since the beginning, especially Colby and I. Him and I made sure you were ok and had everything. We both were your Bestfriends. What happened to that"

"Maybe it's because I was used. I don't like being lied to Kian. Everyone lied to me"

"Honestly what the fuck are you talking about. You're fucking insane. Nobody fucken used you or lied to you."

"I know the truth now. You don't have to lie to me anymore. Just leave me alone."

"Seriously? We fucken gave you everything. We gave you friends, fucken support. We gave you a family and you're just going to throw everything away because of the shit you make up in your head."

"I'm not making shit up. You fucken broke this family and I don't trust you. Just leave me alone. Me and you are not friends anymore. I'm sorry but I have to move on."

"Fuck Violet you're stupid for throwing everything away. You literally lost all your friends after I tell them what you just said."

"Whatever Kian do what you got to do"

"Ok so once you get a record deal and have a single out you think you're fucken famous now. Don't fucken forget where you started from. You were a fucken loner and if shit goes south with Jack and the label, you're gonna be a loner again. So don't try to come back to us ok. Bye."

I hanged up on her after I said all of that. I didn't give her a chance to reply. I'm just so angry at her. She fucken changed so much. It seemed like she just used us for clout and left after she got the fame that she wanted. Everything is going to her head and one day that is going to come crashing down and she wouldn't know what to do. I won't be there for her anymore. No one will be there for her, just Jack. With that name being brought back to my mind I came to a reason why she would be like this. Could it be Jack who put her up to this? But I know Jack is not like that. I know him for a long time and he's not that type of person. I just really need to confirm that he is not the one doing this, so I decided to call him

"Hey Kian what's up?" Jack said sounding confused on why I called him.

"Hi Jack. I just called to talk about Violet"

"Oh ok what about Violet."

"I just want to know what's going on with her. She literally just told me that she doesn't want to be friends with me and the rest of the guys. That we used her and lied to her."

"Well honestly I don't know anything about that. I just know that she hasn't really talked about any of you. Also that she was going to get lunch with you, but the label called that they needed her. That's all I know."

"Oh ok. I just thought that you must of told her something."

"No I didn't tell her anything. You're such a good friend man. Why would I want to remove all of her friends from her life?"

"Ok then thanks G for that. Take care of her ok."

"Of course I will. Bye Kian."

"Bye Jack."

So if it wasn't Jack, then it probably has to be all the attention she is getting. I didn't know she was that type of girl, but oh well she is not my problem anymore. She is nothing to me.

Violet's Pov

The last words that Kian said to me, broke me. It's true what he said. If everything goes south I'm a loner again. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. But I know the truth about Kian. I just have to remind myself that Kian just wanted to fuck me and not have a real friendship with me. This motivates me to move on and not feel bad. I know I wasn't the one that broke up the family, it was him. Now that I left him behind, I have to focus on what's ahead of me. Need to focus on Jack, on my career, and myself. I took deep breaths and that's when I heard the door opening.

"Hey babe it's me" Jack said which relaxes me.

"I'm upstairs babe."

I heard Jacks footsteps going up the stairs. He was getting closer and closer, until he finally was face to face with me. I was really debating if I should tell him about my phone call with Kian because I promised I wouldn't talk to him anymore and I broke that promise.

"Hey baby give me a kiss" I said trying to cover up my worries.

"Before I give you a kiss I need to tell you something."

"Umm ok what is it."

"I had a friendly chat with Kian"

"Oh you did? What did he say?"

"Nothing much. He did tell me that he called and you guys talked."

"Yea I talked to him. I told him that I couldn't be friends with him anymore and thats all."

"I know he told me. I was just confused because you promised me that you wouldn't talk to him anymore and you did. So what's up with that."

"Baby I know that I promised but I told him off. I removed him from my life."

"I know you did, but you broke your promise."

"I know and I'm sorry"

"Yea ok. Come here" Jack said. I thought he was going to give me a hug and tell me that everything is ok, but he did the opposite. Since Jack was leaning on the railing, he grabbed me and hovered half of body over the railing. He hold my neck tight making it seem like he was going to throw me over the railing. "Violet you're not going to break anymore promises ok. If you do I will leave you and your whole career will be over ok. You got that babe"

"Yes Jack I got. I won't break anymore promises. I'm sorry."

"Ok good."

When he said that he let me go and I was able to relax. I don't know why he would do that. I thought he was going to kill me. Immediately after he let me go, he gave me a hug and kissed me. I was scared that I didn't kiss him back. I guess he noticed because he apologized and said he had anger issues. That sometimes he loses it and doesn't have control, but he is going to therapy to help him with that. I forgave him and he said that it won't happen again. I believed him. Many people do mistakes and they deserve chances. I might be stupid for forgiving him, but love makes you do stupid things. I just lost all my friends. I'm not about to lose Jack either. He is everything I have.

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