Dreams are Memories From Other Worlds

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I guess Sera really was tired.   She's passed out on the table.   I think to myself, and I can't help but glance at her every few seconds, between stupid questions.

"Dude, wtf.   You could have any girl in the school, and you go for the one who hates your guts?   How'd you even do it?"   Roman asks, walking into the cafeteria.

"You know how little kids- especially boys- will bully the kids they like?   She's just like that.   The more she punches you, the more she likes you.   She's bad with emotions."   I reply, gazing down at her.   She's even frowning in her sleep.   How does she do that?   Doesn't she ever smile?

"You sure?   I don't think she has emotions."   Eban argues.

"What do you have against her?"   I ask.   For three years now he's been talking trash, and it never even crossed my mind to ask him why.   I'm so stupid.

"I- I knew her when I was younger.   We went to elementary school together for a little bit.   I don't think she even remembers me.   She was a schoolyard bully.   Beat up anyone who talked to her, even other girls.   I got myself transferred out of there as soon as the year was over- but...   My brother found out about her, and he got mad.   He picked a fight and got his ass handed to him.   She stood over him, barely a scratch on her, while he was bleeding profusely, and she leaned down and whispered something to him- and I saw his eyes- they were huge like he was scared out of his wits.   And when she stood up- she looked at me, and her eyes were glowing.   And she grinned.   That's the only time I've ever seen her smile.   It- it chilled me to the bone.   I couldn't move until well after she was out of my sight."   Eban recounts, and he shivers at the end.

I look down at Sera.   She looks so peacefully grumpy...   Could she ever do that?   I don't know anything about her past, but- she couldn't do that, right?   I contemplate.   It could just be Eban being dramatic, right?   But something, something deep, down inside me told me otherwise.

Sea groans and moves a little, her arms pushing off her headphones, and effectively making her roll off the table.   And into my lap.

The table stares at me, as I sit, with my arms hovering in the air.   I look back up at them, scared shit-less, and they laugh.

"What's wrong, dude?   Scared of your girlfriend after Eban's story?   Got an erection?   She, not the touchy type?"   They berate, laughing all the while.   Even Eban.

"I- uh- I dunno, we just started dating yesterday- what?   What do I do?"   I stammer, and I can feel the blood rushing to my face.

"IDK, man, try not to get an erection?"   They suggest helpfully.

"Can't help ya.   Can you pass me her headphones, though?"   Roman asks.

"Why?"   I reply.

"I've always wondered what she's listening to.   You'd think I'd know more than I do consider you told me to be her friend."   He answers.   "Not that that ever happened."   He shrugs, grabbing her headphones and holding them up to his ear.

"What the fuck is this?!"   He shouts, pulling it away.   "How is she sleeping to this?!"

"What is it?"   We all ask, and he drops the headphones in the middle of the table.

"It's death metal!   WTF!"   He yells, and Jacob picks it up, listening carefully before scrunching up his face in disgust.   He looks at Roman with utter betrayal in his eyes.

"That is not death metal, you idiot.   That's punk rock.   The fuck kinda smart kid are you?   Can't even tell those apart!   They're entirely different genres!"   Jacob yells, and Roman grumbles something as the table laughs at him.

I look down at Sera and find that I had lowered my arms without thinking.   She hadn't moved, so I figure it's okay, and I start stroking her hair.   It's so soft...   What am I doing?!   I stop myself, and join back in on the conversation, only to find myself doing it again.   I give in and don't try to stop myself.   It feels nice, anyway.

Lunch ends, and Sera hadn't woken up, so I gently shake her.   She groans, and sits up, bumping he head on the underside of the table.   She looks around groggily before grabbing her stuff, muttering something I couldn't quite hear, and leaving.   I follow her out of the cafeteria, blushing like an idiot.   Is she really that comfortable around me already?   I can't believe her head fell into my lap!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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