I Was Fine The Way I Was

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I pop my lips, finishing putting on my signature black lipstick, then pull on my Doc Martins.

I walk out the door and make my way to school.   I arrive at 7:40 sharp, five minutes before class starts.   Now, these five minutes are very useful.  

 You can use them to get ready for class, preparing for the day, or just having an existential crisis over the test you forgot about.   Any variety of good, early-morning things.   My favorite, however, is putting on heavy rock, on full blast, through my headphones, and staring blankly at the wall as I try to forget I exist.   Very calming

Most people prefer to talk to their friends, though.

My day is pretty normal from there.   I work by myself, listening to my favorite playlist.   I work with no one and talk to no one, not even the teachers.   And then, every period or so, sometimes even twice a period, someone would walk over, and ask me a question or two about the work.   I'd explain it to them quickly then send them on their way.   This only happens when Roman is busy since we're tied in the School-Wide Grade Contest.   We're tied for 1st place in our grade.

But then, every now and again, there'd be that one asshole kid in the class, who'd come over to me, and start talking trash or asking me personal questions.   Just as I'd be about to rip them to shreds- verbally or physically- Roman would walk over calmly, whisper something to them, and then they'd both walk off without another word.

I wonder why he does that.   It's not like we really ever talk.   We have nothing to talk about since I don't need to help him with his work.   And other than that- there's no need for me to talk to anyone.   So he and I- I know less about him than anyone else.

I may not know anyone, but I know all about them.   It's part of my job as the New Devil.   Once my Dad dies, and Hell is fully transferred to me, I can use these facts I've collected about them against them.   Contracts for their souls and such.

But, other than those few kids, my day is peaceful.   I sit alone at lunch, across the cafeteria from Callum, in a dark, shadowy corner, listening to my music, and eating in silence.   Just the way I like it.   It's peaceful and quiet.   Absolutely perfect.

My life is perfectly peaceful.

I begin to walk home, Horrible Kids by Set It Off blaring through my headphones.   I make it to the intersection by the school and wait for the lines of cars to filter out.   As I do, I bop along to the beat, my expression never changing.

And that's when I feel it.   He's here.    Callum Hirsch.   I can feel his aura, nagging me to give him the beat-down of a lifetime.   Now, I'm not claiming to actually be able to see or feel auras, but there are just those people, that when you're aware of your surroundings, you can just tell are there.   He's one of them.

I do my best to ignore him.   I can't afford a suspension this early in the year.   Besides, I don't start fights.   Like the girl kitten from Aristocats, it's Disney Movie.   I really do suggest it.

It's hard to ignore him, though as he keeps a good foot behind me, never losing pace.   And I can hear what he's listening to.   Fucking Gucci Gang.   That's the one thing I hate more than Callum Hirsch, and both of them are everywhere.   No matter where I go, it's one or the other, plastered on billboards, ads, buses, walls, talked about, and mimicked.   No matter where I go.   They're even in the library!

I hum along to my song, trying to block out his, and turn up the volume as well.   Now, usually, Hirsch would yell at me about this.   But he doesn't.   Maybe he's distracted?

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