"What's going on here?" Dinah walked in.

"She can't breathe.. she's having a panic attack" Noah replied and Dinah kneeled down beside Lauren.

"Hey.. deep breaths Laur" Dinah held Lauren's hand.

"I-I c-can't...m-my..c-chest hurts" Lauren sobbed.

"Shit.. Calm down okay? What do you love most about Camila?" Dinah asked using her softest voice.

"E-evry..thing" Lauren replied.

"We know Laur.. but what is it about her that captivated you?"

"H-her eyes..I-I love h-her eyes" Lauren replied her breathing starting to slow down.

"Why her eyes?" Noah asked.

"H-her eyes t-tells me e-everthing" Lauren replied before taking a deep breath.

"Tell me more" Dinah replied

"When I uhh.. s-stare into her eyes I just uhh.. get lost.. but it's a good kind of lost. Like you just wanna be lost in her eyes for the rest of your life"

"That's beautiful Lauren" Dinah smiled. "Don't worry.. we're not gonna stop 'til she's home"

"I just.. if we didn't find any clues here then.. I don't know what to do anymore" Lauren cried on Dinah's chest while Dinah carefully wrapped her arms around the fragile girl.

"Don't lose hope.. our friends is still searching for some clues" Dinah brushed Lauren's hair with her fingers to calm her down.

"You should see how Lizie search for something.. she's turning every room upside down" Noah chuckled.

"We're here to help you.. we don't wanna lose Mila too.. besides I'm the original captain of my camren ship I won't let my ship sink that easily" Dinah smiled.

"And I'm the co-captain" Noah smiled back.

"Thanks guys.." Lauren smiled.

"Where are you?!" Lizie yelled with her voice booming through the whole house and some crashing and breaking sound was heard.

"The fuck is that?" Lauren frowned.

"It's just Lizie... and her temper" Noah shrugged.

"She's crazy" Dinah chuckled.

"She's cool" Lauren chuckled back.

"I've been here" Noah sighed as he grabs the picture before sitting on the bed.

"Where?" Dinah looked at Noah with curiosity.

"Here.. the Devil's river" Noah replied. "I used to come here with my parents just having picnics and swimming"

"Great parenting.. taking your kid to a Devil's river. Is it not dangerous?" Lauren frowned.

"It is when it's rainy.. but it's safe in the summer.. some people stacks up some big rocks to make a pool at the bottom of the falls so it's kinda safe to swim" Noah replied.

"Why did they call it the Devil's river?" Dinah asked.

"I don't even know.. maybe because there's a really deep hole that leads to an underground cave at the top of the waterfall"

"That's creepy" Dinah said.

"Hey guys.." Shawn popped his head on the door frame. "We need to go.. we can't stay here"

"Have you found something?" Lauren hopefully asked.

"Nothing.. Sorry Lauren" Shawn sighed.

"Where are the others?" Noah asked.

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