"It looked like he was dancing."

"Delicate, distinguished, and deadly. The three words best used to describe that style."

"Why did you assume it was him beforehand?" Even if it was just a hunch, Eden wasn't the type to leave Aciel with a total stranger.

"I might not trust Khoa as a person but I do trust his information. When the priests said that Sun was not at the shrine, I assumed he used an alias. Then when I saw Tzu-Wu, he seemed familiar. There was something about him that made me feel like I've seen him before. I apologise for leaving you alone with him based on a hunch but I did follow you closely."

"No, I trust you Eden."

"Is there anything else?" Eden could see an internal debate that Aciel has had for the past few days.

Aciel pursed his lips and asked the question that was on his mind since their escape, "Eden, can you teach me to fight?"


"I no longer have Zula beside me and I cannot expect you to always be able to protect me." Aciel quoted Zula's words, no, her warning. "How do I expect to gain the throne back with my only weapons being my feelings and wishes?"


The following day, Sun had arrived just as he stated. His hair returned to its messy state and was only fixed upon entering the room.

"Greetings Prince Aciel, Captain no, General Eden."

"You may lift your head. Let us drop the formalities."

"The late queen did talk about her son when she had a chance. While I did not expect us to meet this way, I apologise for my late greetings."

"Do you know what has happened recently?" Eden cut to the chase.

"I have kept up with the coronation but may I ask for your side of the story?" Sun asked.

Eden gave a full recount with as little bias as possible but it was hard when the usuper was her former friend. Aciel bit his tongue and kept his head down. If he had any more strength, his hand would have started to bleed.

"Now I must ask for your assistance, I want justice for my father and for Zula to face justice." Aciel spoke just as how he and Eden had spent the night preparing.

Sun pursed his lips before he spoke, "Your father was not someone I could see myself following. Your mother on the other side was someone I admired and promised new challenges that I could only experience if I followed her."

The underlying message of Sun's message to Aciel was simple, what do you offer? Realistically Aciel knew that he did not live up to his father's legacy, let alone his mother's. He was nothing but luckily Eden came up with an offer.

"A challenge." Aciel said after a pause. Sun made a confused face that also asked for Aciel to continue. "I can offer a challenge, a chance to compete against one of the most capable people I know. Would that not be interesting?"

"I assume you are talking about Lady Zula?"

"She is the genius of our generation," Eden complimented Zula. "What could be more interesting for a genius tactician than to compete against another genius?"

"As her former partner and I assume his current champion, do you believe in the outcome you are hoping for?" Sun asked.

"Until this ends I will bet everything, even my heart and soul."

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