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My name is Sydney Middleton and for a long time now I've been obsessed with everything from Abnormal Psychology to the cute Asa Butterfield, but I bet you didn't know that I have both OCD and Autism. I live in Texas and the cute Asa Butterfield lives in London, England. What chance would I have to meet Asa? Well, I was about to find out.

One day, I was at work trying to answer customers' questions while in my head I was remembering one of my favorite movies.

"You act like you hate the world so much, Tulsa. It's all an act, the beautiful music you make gives you away"'.

That was from The Space Between Us -- that movie summed up my life so much (well, that and Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children where Asa who portrays Jakob narrates '"Do you ever feel like nothing you do matters? You leave footprints on the beach and tomorrow they're gone."' that to me was my peculiarity/superpower, I had the ability to recite quotes I heard from either movies, books, or even as simple as hearing someone speak in a long dialogue of words, and recite it back perfectly the first time with or without the slightest bit of practice, although talking to people is a whole different story entirely.

Anyway, I was minding my own business and putting Cosmetic Hair merchandise away when a dark-haired boy came up to me.

"Excuse me, but do you work here?" he asked, I didn't respond. instead, I just stared straight ahead and continued on with what I was doing.

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