Chapter 3: Little Frog

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Chapter 3:

I didn't get the bath I desired since I decided to leave the dress there. She seemed to need it more than I did. I hoped she took it.

The house was silent since I came back. I was about to go back to take that bath but I decided against it. Maybe if I go later, I would be nicely bathed before I sleep. Instead, I changed my dress instead. I would still have to work during the day, but I didn't want the mud caked stain crusting on my skin through the dress. The bath would not have benefitted me anyways.

I carried the bucket of food towards the pig pens. The stalls were empty of human. The pigs oinked every second they could, especially since they could smell the slabs of food I carried for them in the bucket. I poured the contents over the wooden railings and into the troughs. The minute the mixture entered, the pigs made their way and began to slobber it up. I laughed, not at them, but at how great it is they appreciate the food. I guessed I would to, since that were the only food I would receive.

After the pigs, I left for the stables. I loved those little horses. They neighed brightly when I entered with their fresh stacks of hay. I stacked the haystacks in each stall and then brushed the horses finely. They were grateful as they gobbled up the hay and the clean water I recently put in.


I looked around and saw none. I began to panic. Why had such strange things been happening? First the fairy, and now this. I must really be going crazy.

I ignored the strangeness of the past days. The hello rang again and I looked around once more.

"Down here!" It cried.

I looked down and there was a little frog. It had green slick skin and bulging eyes. Every time it opened its mouth, its tongue would fly out. He said it was unintentional and that was just the way he was.

"How can a frog talk? Frogs cannot talk." I said.

"I cannot tell you milady, for I cannot tell you my fateful ordeal. It had cost me my life and have been there on."

"I don't understand."

"You cannot understand if you truly cannot hear."

I did not respond for I did not understand. He spoke vaguely and every time he seemed to open his mouth to tell me why, the words get stuck in his throat. He could not say why and I still do not know.

"I have a request for you if you would kindly accept." he asked after awhile.

"What is it?"

"If you could carry me over to the pond in the brisk woods, near the neighboring kingdom, I would be pleased."

"My! That is far!"

"My little legs will not carry me far. That is why I request such a journey from you."

"Why me?"

"You are kind, I believe. I saw you placing that dress for the weeping girl."

I looked away, thinking about the memory.

"Oh, 'tis true." I replied honestly. "But how would you know I would help?"


And so I accepted his request. I told him I would have to ready for the journey though, for it would take days. I had to convince Katrina though, and well, that was tough having to tell a good enough lie. She was happy to rid of me though, I believe, but not happy for I would not work. I decided to sneak away and deal with the punishment later. Helping this poor little frog was better than hearing the insincere and selfish requests from Katrina and her daughter.

As we set out for the neighboring kingdom, we conversed and strangely enough, he could not tell me who he was or why he was a talking frog. It still troubled me.

"I will only tell you vaguely. I cannot tell you further."


He paused, and looked at me curiously.

"You are kind, Indella, for helping a mere frog travel far from your home. Surely fate has something great for you."

I looked at him bewildered. He looked as if he was smiling and amused from my reaction. If fate had something great for me, why did I still feel so poor in life? And not as the poor in wealth, but the poorness of myself.

"Oh." I simply said."Thank you."

As days went by, we traveled nearer towards the little pond of the brisk woods in the neighboring kingdom. I knew little of him, only of what I could piece together.

He must be of high rank, I assumed. Maybe a spell had locked him from telling me so. If spells were real, that were. Or maybe he did not want to confide in me. Either way, I still could not figure him out.

It took four days. We reached the little pond. The forest was kind and light, though there were darkness loitering around. The little pond sat by some trees and there next to it, stood a little well. This place felt peaceful.

The little frog kindly thanked me with all his heart. He plunged into the pool of water with glee. I then realized, why had he wanted to come here?

"This is where my secrets shall be revealed." he replied as he swam around. "Though I may have to be manipulative and well, obnoxious, I have to get back." he continued, a sudden passion revealed in him.

"Oh. Well I wish you luck."

"Wait! Won't you ask me of anything? I did indeed ask you to care for this journey."

"I do not want anything." I replied.

What would a frog give me? What could he give me that would be of use?

"I cannot proceed with that."

"There is nothing you can give me."

"What if I gave you answers?"

"But you cannot."

"I will. Stick for a few days and you will see. The passing will come."

And I did so. Though I wanted to hurry on home, I could not resist his request to fulfill the last request. But I too did want to know who he is and how this had he become of.

I hid behind a little bush where I slept. I would peek occasionally at the content little frog swimming in the pond. There, a young girl would come with a golden ball and play.

She had beautiful gowns and her hair was always pinned neatly. If only.

She looked of royalty. What could she be doing here alone?

The ball floated in the air softly like a feather and bounced on the grass. I looked closely as it dribbled towards the pond. In doing so, it fell into the pond. I gasped and quickly stood up to help her but before I could, the little frog's head peeked out of the water.

I could see her tears falling as she looked at her golden ball disappear into the water. The little frog approached her.

"What is wrong?" he asked.

"My golden ball has fallen into the pond and disappeared into the water. I will never see it again." she weeped.

"Fear not. I can get it out for you. But what will you give me if I do?"

I thought for awhile. If she is of royalty, he can have everything. But of course, what would a mere frog do with it? And why did the little frog want anything? He did not seem the one to take charge of a request.

"I can give you anything. Gold, my necklaces, bracelets, dress, and earrings. Even this golden crown!"

"I do not care for your jewelry nor your dress. I do not need gold nor your crown either." he paused. "What if you would love me, and be my companion and playmate, and carry me to your palace and let me eat beside you with your golden plate, and lie beside you in your silk bed?"

"Yes, yes! I promise!" she cried hurriedly, desperate to receive her golden ball.

Then the little frog fell deep into the pond and out the golden ball went. Her tears came to a stop as the frog waddled out of the water. She cried happily and ran off with the golden ball.

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