Chapter 7: As Black As Ebony Wood

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Chapter 7:

Several days had gone by. Damien and I never spoke of what had occurred the night Snow White disappeared. No one knew. No one cared.

Sedena had forced Katrina in extending her vacation here. Frankly, I didn't want to stay any longer. The thought of this kingdom saddened me. I was powerless.

As I was sweeping in the kitchen, Katrina came by in a frilly tan dress with lacy whites pearling around the edges. She had on a cringeworthy smile.

"Oh Indella!" She cried in a shrill voice.

"Yes?" I mocked in the sweetest voice I could manage.

She frowned with scorn on her face. I wanted to laugh, of course, but it wasn't appropriate at the moment. Katrina would've had my head.

"Go into town to buy some food to prepare for the queen's gift. Buy exactly these. A bottle of wine... Bread... Fruits... And whatever else is good."

"What do you mean 'whatever else is good?'"

"I don't know! Figure it out yourself! But it better be good." She threatened and wailed out the room.

She seemed happy that day, but I didn't care much. It was quite frightening actually.

Eventually, I journeyed into town after forcing Damien to accompany me. We walked through the market place we had been to the other day. It looked the same and the same people behind the stands were the same. It seemed as though they recognized us because they greeted us. I wasn't sure it they did that to everybody or if it's because we looked different.

"Damien, take this basket and go find some fruits and such like I said earlier. I'm going to go find some flowers."

I left him standing there in a confused daze. I laughed as I glanced back at him slowly recount my instructions and then idly walk towards the stands hoping he understood what I had said. He always made me laugh.

I walked around down deeper into town hoping to find a flower shop of some kind. If not, then hopefully I could find a field of flowers or something. Right before I was going to give up, I spotted a little table with barrels of gorgeous flowers of all kind. No one was there except a young child who was standing besides it, her hair braided neatly to her right side. She had on a plain little dress with a plaid apron covering her front. I glided over hoping to find a flower fit for the queen. I'd heard of such things as flowers representing some things. I wanted to subtly criticize her.

The little girl peeked over the table and in a soft voice said, "Would you like a flower?"

"Yes. I've heard that nettles represent cruelty."

I grabbed a nettle, it's green leaves poking out of the stem as small blooming flowers grew.

"I don't know. I know roses are given out of love. How about this red carnation?"

"Hmm... I'm looking for something a little more..."


Surprised, I jumped aside hearing the strange man's deep voice. I glanced at my side seeing a young man, brilliantly standing tall. He wore a silver plate of armor and chains connecting the rest of it. A large sword was clipped to his left side while a dagger was hanging from his boots. I stared at his masculine face, a bold shape. His cheeks were hollow and his blue eyes shone with intense glory as his brown hair waved down his forehead. The man intimidated me, yet he made me feel intrigued.

He looked down at me, noticing me staring. I blushed and turned away.

"You know that flowers are said to have specific meanings?" He said slowly, his voice a little husky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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