Chapter 1: Tiny Wings

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Chapter 1:

This is a collection of fairy tales. More importantly, a fairy tale of me. Maybe I might even add fairy tales that I may or you may have never heard of at all. Maybe I might just break it down to you and tell you that those fairy tales you read, they aren't real (or are they) and really, they're gruesome. You don't even know the real story. The ending is never happy, so mine, as you guessed, must definitely never be happy.


Swell. Just swell, must I say if you hadn't noticed. The rain's most dashing movements dropping quickly like dead flies were most certainly stabbing me endlessly. I could feel each and every swift attack it made through the cloth I wore, the thin weary fabric.

I scrunched up my nose as I could smell the deafening scent of the acidic liquid and the smoldering cement brushing against each other in an attempt to wipe away the sickening after-duty. My stomach made an unpleasant noise and my hands couldn't stop moving around and grabbing handfuls of my dirty clothes.

My eyes couldn't see very far in the dark especially since it was raining. I trained myself to try and pry open the darkness but I always failed. I didn't know about this whole "evolution" thing or whatever back then but I always liked to experiment. I guess I can't force my genes to make me see into the night.

I began to plunge into the darkness and swim away the stench the dirt gave. The rain wiped away my thoughts and I ducked gently under a kind leaf. It was huge. None like I've never seen. It was long and well, leafy. You can't even tell what its shade of green is. How do you describe something you don't know and then describe it? They just use what other thing had the same color. Like that lime. But this one didn't look like lime. Frankly, I don't know how it looked like. It was quite dark here dare I say.

The rain continued to pound turning dirt to mud. It gets me mad sometimes because my shoes get all muddy and I'd have to wash it myself. I grabbed another leaf next to the giant one I was under and set it down below me. I gently sat on it hoping the growing mud doesn't trickle down and wet my already dirty clothes. It's still dirty but you know, wet dirt on your bottom sucks.

So as I sat there, waiting for the rain to stop so I can carry on my way somehow, I see this weird light sparkling in the distance. I may have been saved, I thought, but really, it was the trigger of my own life.

You see, I didn't think my life would go and become what people call crazy. And here I am. Crazy. Okay not really.

My eyes tried to seek out the light in the blurry atmosphere but I couldn't quite make it out. It sparkled but shifted sideways and then down as if it were to plummet towards the ground because of the bullet raindrops. But suddenly the light went out and faded into darkness. I sighed and no longer tried to keep sight of the strange light.

The night became darker and my eyes grew heavier. I was still crouched under the giant leaf trying not to get wet. Don't get me wrong, I love rain but today's just not my day. And besides, my mother would scold me. I would get scolded for going home late but then I'd just say it was raining. Which would be better?

Suddenly, I felt tapping on my right shoulder. I freaked and jumped falling to my side, staining my clothes with the mud. I groaned loudly and muttered angrily to myself.

"Are you okay?" a little voice spoke.

I jumped again and dug myself deeper into the mud. I looked around to try to see who was talking but I didn't see anyone and that frightened me more. I crawled over to get under the leaf once more, not caring about the stains on my clothes.

The cold grew heavier and I breathed out a sigh. I could see my breath even with the force of the rain. I sighed again as I sat under the drenched leaf and tried to keep myself company despite what had just occurred. I began to think of the flowers in the backyard and wondering how they are right now in the rain that doesn't seem to stop. Before I could begin to think of any more nor recollect my thoughts, I heard the same tiny voice again.

"Hello?" it asked.

I was startled again but I didn't plunge into the sea of mud. I was too tired to do so. My eyes searched in the pitiful rain for someone. A sparkly figure flew across my field of vision and stopped slightly on my nose. I sneezed as soon as it splashed some dust on me. I squinted to get a better view but it all blurred.

The thing flew back a bit and I could finally see. It glowed, making the night seem less dark.

It had the figure of a human, I believe. It was so tiny. There were shiny translucent wings embedded into its back and judging from how it looked, it looked like a girl, maybe woman, but more like a girl. How about female.

She raised her hands at me and waved them in front of my eyes. Her expression showed confusion and curiosity, her head cocked to the side.

I studied her form again. Her wet hair was messily tied back into a once neat bun, and her little dress sparkled of specks of green. Her little shoes hung onto her tiny feet, shining out the same colors as her dress.

"Might I ask, who or rather, what are you?" I asked, concerned with the thought of me hallucinating.

"Me?" she asked. "I'm a fairy. Name's Bell. Or Tink. Or umm..." she mumbled as she tapped her chin with her forefinger.

"Fairy? Oh my goodness, I'm going crazy aren't I?" I cried out to myself.

"Why do you think that?" she asked as she made her way towards me, slowly with a curious look on her.

"Fairies aren't real." I simply stated.

She gasped outrageously. Bell or Tink shook her head furiously.

"That's not true!" she exclaimed. "I am real!"

I reached out and touched her little head. She was real. Or was I imagining it? I then touched her hands that gripped furiously at her sides.

"See!" she accused.

"Oh, I guess you're right then." I said, only to appease her.

"Well.... Now that's over." she sighed, rubbing her forehead with her arm.

"How are you real? You're only a fairytale."

"Just because fairies are in fairy tales does not make them fiction. We too are real."

"I got that. But fairy tales don't exist."

"Well you better start believing in them now because I'm here and real."

I paused a bit not believing her. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, well I came to shelter from the rain, as you are, I think."

"Yes, I am."

"Who are you?" she finally asked.

"Oh me? My name is Indella."

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