Chapter 5: As White As Snow

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Chapter 5:

I was put to work right away. I missed the company of the little frog but I knew he had his own fate to complete. He must, I knew.


I groaned at that voice. Sedena had the shrillest of voices. It cracked at the high parts and squeaked at the top. Sometimes I wished my ears to go deaf. But then I'd quickly deny it for I would be at a loss if I could not hear.

"Yes Sedena." I replied as sweetly as I could muster.

"Come pull my corset. I need it tighter!"

I sighed. Why must corsets make women want it? I mean well, they hurt and all and you can barely breathe! It's the fashion these days, but I'd prefer my own body, thank you very much.

I made my way towards Sedena. Her hair was tied into a neat bun and her dress was loosely on. The finest corsets wrapped around her waist and hips, the ropes hanging in and out of the hoops. I grabbed them as Sedena held onto the column to hold her posture. The corset tightened with each pull as she huffed in giant breaths.

"Tighter." she could barely say.

I could feel her not even breathe anymore. This always happened. She'd want me to pull tighter and then she'd faint and I'd have to loosen the corset. It was a repeated cycle.

"Sedena. You can't handle it."

"Don't... tell me... what I can't... and... can handle..." she gasped with a strained voice.


"Oh... do be..."

I pulled tighter and tighter like she wanted and then she passed out. She is going to get seriously hurt like this. I loosened the corset around her, allowing her to breathe and then tied the corset so she would not make a fuss when she woke.

The next day, I heard of a conversation between Sedena and Katrina. I simply meant to pass by but I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"Mother. Can't we go and stay at our summer house in the South Kingdom?"

"Sedena. Don't you know that we cannot any longer?" Katrina said gravely.

"Mother! It is our summer house and I will be going there!"

Katrina sighed heavily and I left when I heard Sedena's heavy footsteps coming towards me.

Before I knew it, a quarter of the servants plus me with them, left for the summer house in the Southern Kingdom. I have heard ill of the place but I had no command to interfere with the choice. Sedena was a brat.

We made our way through jungle and dark bending forests. I could swear I saw a little cabin somewhere, but no trouble occurred to us and I was glad. Dealing with Sedena and Katrina would be far worse.

We came to a clearing of beautiful flowers. There, we heard the beautiful voice of a woman singing. She sung better than ever, not shrill but soft and round.

"We must be here. Quick! Pull out the gifts." Katrina ordered.

The servants did so and gave many baskets of goods to whoever we were to give them to. We came by a palace of the grandest majesties. It seemed wicked in some ways and not like the castles I have seen before, but in it, I could tell, lied a bright light.

"Enter slowly and bow." Katrina stated with a hush, as if someone could hear us.

I saw the fear in her eyes and I wanted to laugh. Who could she be so afraid of? For she was terror herself.

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