Chapter 6: As Red As Blood

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Chapter 6:

We made it back unscarred, only to be jabbed with the shrill voices of Katrina. She scolded us for coming back so late, though I knew we were earlier than ever. She seemed so anxious here, it almost seemed hilarious.

Damien and Flora bid me goodbye and left me alone. Sedena approached me trying to make conversation. I was the only one who would actually talk to her, whether she liked to or not.

"Indella!" she cried out. "I need tightening!"

I groaned.


"Mother, I want to go out." Sedena whined.

"No Sedena. It's not safe." Katrina answered nervously.

"But I want to! The guards will come with me."

"Sedena!" she shouted then nervously calmed down. "Sedena. We are going to feast at the ev- I mean the Queen's Royal palace."

"Oh well, I guess I can wait." Sedena grumbled.

I guess the Queen's aura got to her as it did to everybody else. I decided not to call her the Evil Queen, only because I try not to judge before I see. It may be easy to just believe but I hoped she wasn't what she was known as.

We made way to the queen's palace, our arms full of gifts once more. Katrina lectured us and told us, more like me, about how we should be obedient and silent, and not talk back.

I saw the young girl once more, or more known as Snow White, I believed. She was wiping the steps even though they were clean enough. I then noticed, she was the only one wiping and cleaning. Did she clean this whole palace by herself?

"Your highness!" Katrina sighed out as she bowed deeply.

We followed after. When we were told to look up, the queen had an icy glare at us.

"Katrina. How pleasant it is to see you." she said with a strained voice. "What is it you want?"

"Well, I thought that I'd visit, since I will only be here until tomorrow."

Sedena sent Katrina a glare since Katrina had said they would stay the summer. But I could tell Katrina despised this place.

"That is amazing." she said plainly.

Suddenly someone stumbled through, making a clatter that echoed the whole room. We all turned to see the palest of snow, the darkest of night, and the reddest of blood. There, lying on the ground, was Snow White and shattered plates. She looked up carefully and our eyes meet for a brief moment.

"Snow White!" The Evil Queen blared out with thick hatred.

"I am terribly sorry!" Snow White apologized, her voice soft and full of worry.

"Guards! Take Snow White to the dungeons!"

The dark guards came in and carried her away. Tears streamed down her face as I saw her turn to hopelessness. I cried my heart out for her but I couldn't do a single thing.

At evening, I dared think to come to the palace alone. I decided to set out for it, though I had a plan that could fall through at any moment. I would not know where Snow White would reside exactly but at least I knew it be the dungeons. A knock sounded at my door and I went to open it.

"Damien." I said with a slight whisper.

He had quite the smile on his face, though I saw him hide it. His hair was still messy as usual, but it looked slightly combed. It usually never bothered him, but he had complained once about why he couldn't ever groom himself to look good for the ladies.

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