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"She has to by lying, Josh. There's no way she could've made a court date without you knowing and consenting." Tyler states a few hours later. He is stuck in denial.
"Tyler, she's famous. Who knows what she did. She could've persuaded them or even bribed them." Josh says, placing his head in his hands.  Tyler sighs, and walks to Amari's room. He notices that she is awake, so he picks her up, changes her diaper, then carries her into the living room. It pains Josh to look at her due to the thought of him losing her. Tyler places her on her baby mat, and sits down with Josh.

They sit in silence for a few minutes, until Josh finally breaks it.
"Tyler?" Josh says, wanting Tyler to focus on him. Tyler turns his head to look at Josh, who is staring straight at him.
"Yeah, J?" Tyler asks. Josh bites his lip, "I'm not gay. I-I am actually bisexual." Tyler's mouth opens in shock. Josh sighs and rests his head on one hand instead of two.
"Right before we found out Debby was pregnant, we were already having some problems. That's because I had told Debby I was bisexual. I guess she wanted to believe that I had told her that to hint I didn't have feelings for her anymore, I don't know. I still loved her, of course. Her not wanting to be a mother showed the real her, though. I couldn't stay with her, and I couldn't let her hurt my own child. You already know the rest of the story." Josh explains to Tyler. Tyler bites his lip, "Jeez, Josh. I can't imagine what you went through." Josh smiles lightly, "I'm better all thanks to you, Ty." Tyler grins. Josh's smile falls, "Ty, what if-" Tyler interrupts Josh before he can finish his thought.
"No, we got this. We will win together." Tyler states. Josh sighs, "Yeah, but what if we lose."
"We'll do that together, too." Tyler states. Josh smiles even with a pained expression. Tyler's right.

"Josh?" Tyler questions. Josh furrows his eyebrows, "Yes?" Tyler's eyes widen now, "Where's Amari?" Josh's eyes widen too. They both shoot off the couch. Josh runs to check her room.
"I thought you brought her in here and out her in the mat?" Josh questions, running back into the living room. Tyler steps out of the living room slightly and towards the kitchen.
"I-I did..." Tyler states hesitantly. Tyler starts spin around to get a full view of the room, a way to try and find her. He stops when he sees her. His expression changes to make him look intrigued.
"Tyler, what is it?" Josh questions. Tyler looks at Josh, "She's in the kitchen." Josh steps to where Tyler is, and that's when she notices them. She smiles and that's when they figure out how she got there. She flops over onto her hands, seeing as she was sitting on her knees. Josh starts tearing up and Tyler gasps as she starts crawling towards them. Josh drops to his knees and calls her name, her giggling and crawling straight towards him. He picks her up at her sides and lifts her in the air. Tyler drops down with them. Josh is grinning ear to ear as he looks at Tyler. Tyler replicates the same smile.

Written: 6/9-6/10/19 Words: 564
please tell me you got the reference
stay alive, frens💗


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