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Tyler bites his lip and tries to stop his foot from shaking. He switches the phone from his right ear to his left, and continues to bounce Amari in his arms.
"Yeah, I'm going to, I promise." Tyler sighs, foot picking up speed as it bounces up and down uncontrollably.
"Yes, Jenna, I'll be home soon." he hides a deep sigh, slight sadness etching it's way onto his features. He looks into Amari's deep brown eyes, and fights back tears.
"Bye, Jen, I love you, too." he replies, then ends the call. He stares back at Amari into her tiny deep eyes and frowns. The little one has a frown printed on her face as well.

"Trust me, I don't want to leave, but I have to. I left Jenna all alone without thinking, and now she's angry at me. I'll talk more about it with Jenna later, sweet creature." Tyler rambles softly to the infant. He squishes her chubby cheeks, and tickles her tiny feet. Giggles spew out of her mouth as she stares straight at Tyler, kicking her tiny feet.

"I promise, sweet creature, I'll never leave you. Ever. I'm always going to be stuck in your life now, you can't get rid of me. I'll always love you, sweet pea." Tyler cradles her to his chest. He takes a deep breath, trying to gain composure. Inhale; 1, 2, 3. Exhale; 1, 2, 3.

The door creaking open knocks Tyler out of his thoughts. Josh walks in and stretches, causing Tyler to look away from Josh's bare chest.
"What time is it?" Josh asks Tyler. Tyler checks his watch, Amari reaches right for it, "Uh, 12:19." Josh nods, "I honestly could get used to this." Tyler furrows his eyebrows, "Get used to what?" Josh bites his lip lightly, "You being here, helping me take care of Amari, living with me." Tyler glances down at the dark hardwood floor, hiding the blush that has appeared across his cheeks.

"I'm going to take a shower real quick. Can you handle Amari?" Josh questions Tyler. Tyler glances at him, soft smile placed on his face.
"Of course I can handle her." Tyler reassures. Josh nods, then walks out and into the bathroom to take his shower that is much needed.

Tyler walks out of Amari's room, and into the living room. He places her on her playmat, then peeks into the fridge for something to eat. There's barely anything, Tyler notices. They'll have to grocery shop soon, Tyler notes.

Tyler knocks on the bathroom door, trying to get Josh's attention.
"Come in." Josh yells from in the shower. Tyler bites his lip, but opens the door softly.
"H-Hey, what do you want me to make for lunch?" Tyler asks, leaning back against the door.
"Whatever is fine, Ty." Josh answers, resulting in a nod from Tyler, even though Josh can't see him.
"Okay." Tyler answers softly after, then exits the bathroom.

Tyler checks up on Amari, then begins to prepare whatever he can find that is an actual lunch meal. He sets Josh's down at the table, and takes his over into the living room with Amari. He plays with the tiny human while eating his food.

In the middle of him enjoying his lunch and time with Amari, he gets another call. He glances at his phone, seeing the name "Jenna" pop up on his screen, along with a picture of her wearing his pac trail windbreaker, piercing blue eyes staring straight at the camera.
"Wish Uncle Tyler luck, Mari." Tyler whispers to the infant, then answers the call.

"Have you figured things out, Tyler?" is the first thing she asks. Tyler sighs, "No. Jenna, I was thinking about staying a while longer. Maybe a month? He's in a rough place at the moment, he needs a lot of help, Jen. Please?" Jenna is silent for a few seconds, taking in the information and trying to analyze every option she has and the outcome each one has.
"Don't forget about the band. You can stay there for a month, help him get better, maybe work on the next album. I love you, Tyler." Jenna answers after what seems like forever.
"I love you, too." Tyler replies back. She ends the call, Tyler sighing right after.

Josh walks in, fresh pair of clothing on, wet, faded pink hair flying up everywhere. He grabs his food, then joins Tyler in the living room.
"Who was that?" Josh asks, sitting beside him on the floor. Tyler hums.
"Who were you on the phone with, Ty?" Josh narrows his eyes slightly.

Last time Tyler had talked about Jenna, he had told Josh that they were having a rough patch, and that he was planning on ending it. Josh supported his decision, seeing as Tyler always looked unhappy with Jenna.

"That was, uh, Jenna." Tyler finally answers, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Josh furrows his eyebrows, "You're still with her?" Tyler glances down at the floor.
"Not just with, we're actually engaged?" Tyler states, his statement sounding more like a question, or even a suggestion. Tyler doesn't miss the hint of anger that flares through Josh's eyes, nor does he miss the sadness.

Written: 10/3-12/4/18 Words: 876
This took me literally two months to write ??? I have a problem where I can have inspiration and be writing, and then my brain just shuts down and I'll have no idea what to write for a while. Stay Alive, frens💗


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