coffees and talks by the fire

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song of the day; a love like war by all time low, ft vic fuentes.

[a/n nice butt]


t e s s

it was cold but too hot under the covers. ah, those life problems.

it was currently, 6:51pm. meaning we had been driving for more than five hours and having no idea where we were going. i was lying on my side, staring out the window beside my bunk. admiring the sunset. the sun drowned in the horizon, it's rays of light glimmering in the darkness of the clouds faded and the pale moon peeked at me from the stars.

luke and ashton jamming out to the music on the radio in the front seat, dancing ridiculously. i couldn't blame them though, all time low and vic fuentes in one song was the shit.

"hearts on fire tonight, feel my bones ignite!" they chanted in sync, quite loudly. "feels like war, war!" but they were having fun, so i couldn't stop that. although, i constantly wondered how they still have so much energy.

emily growling at them every once in a while, telling them to quiet down or she'll rip the radio out  with her bare hands. they begged for mercy childishly, their hands together as they pretended to pray until she rolled her eyes and walked away.

darcy was sitting on the bunk above me, criss-crossing her legs as she played with her parrot, alfie. small cackles escaping her lips as he would speak.

michael and calum had taught alfie to swear, repeating the words 'shut the fuck up' until alfie finally learned it and reran the sentence over and over until darcy had tears of laughter in her bright eyes. darcy was so chirpy i wondered how sometimes, i admired that about her though.

shannyn and calum were fast asleep, obviously tired of all the driving. calum's chin was dug in the crook of her neck and his arm slouched around her waist, small synchronized snores coming from both of them. their tall bodies only just fitting the small bottom bunk (that was across from mine) together. everybody knew they were crushing on each other, they just never wanted to admit it. they claimed they were just 'friends'. sure, friends with benefits.

michael's modulated voice shouted for his puppy, "rumple, get back here and love me!" he called from his bunk. i could hear small claws slap against the buses floor quickly.

i felt the thin mattress sink lightly, as saliva covered my left cheek and two small cold paws pressed against my shoulder. i turned to face a small blue eyed creature, jumping around in excitement and trail wagging furiously.

"hey buddy!" i rolled onto my stomach, ruffling his fur between his ears. he barked softly and fell onto his back in front of me, as if asking me if i could scratch him. i smiled and did as he wanted, digging my nails gently into his fur and rubbing around.

i stole a glance from michael, who's eyes were filled with admiration as he was descrying me with rumple.

after a while of playing with rumple, i rested my head on my arms, stomach flat on the matress and fell into a temporary heaven called sleep.


my eyes lazily peeled open, it was dingy and painfully silent.

realizing the bus (van thing) had come to a stop.

i acknowedged the soft furry ball in the arch of my back. rumple was curled up, fast asleep, his tail twitching against my skin now and then.

my face scrunched up as i felt rumple yawn, his tongue touching the exposed skin on my back. i twisted my back around, very carefully taking little rumple in my hands, turning on my back and positioning comfortably and placing him on my chest. he stirred, his bright eyes staring back at mine. "hello little one," i whispered ever so quietly, patting his head. almost instantly, he fell back asleep.

i took him in my hands once again, trying my hardest not to desturb him. i placed him beside me gently.

i felt around for my phone, i finally clutched it and pressed the home button. my eyes squinting as the light of a thousand suns blinded me. the time flashed across the screen in white; 3:43am.

i groaned and threw my phone to the side, not caring where it landed.

my eyes roamed around, calum and shannyn in the same spot. ashton passed out on the couch. darcy tossing and turning on the bunk above me. michael facing the wall, softly snoring. emily mumbling inaudible words on the top bunk of shannyn and calum's.

i rolled over again, rumple's tiny back against mine. i stared aimlessly at the white wall, hoping that my eyes could form droopy but they didn't.

after what felt like hours, my eyes fluttered closed, and my muscles finally became relaxed.


i groan, stretching my arms out but struggled as two arms were tightly folded around my torso. i knitted my eyebrows, looking over at the familiar red haired dork and sighing.

i've told michael that we could not be more than friends, he didn't seem too bothered by it. he shrugged it off and continued treating me the way he always did. i liked that, we would always have this outstanding friendship, and everyday i cherished it.

his arms drooped off as i climbed over him, onto the cool floor. i grabbed a random cup from the side of the sink, sprinkling coffee into the bottom and making my way to the exit. luke, calum, ashton, emily, shannyn and darcy sat around a fire on logs, blankets burritoed around their bodies.

greeting them all with a small "goodmorning." i sat nearest to the fire, gripping the pan from on the fire and pouring the boiling water into my freshly made coffee. "pass me the milk, please?" i asked emily politely. "no." she said flaty, i frowned. she shook her head and smiled slightly, passing me the little carton. muttering a "thanks." i finished making my drink. after a while, michael came out. stretching and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, an excited rumple following in his tracks.

we all just talked and talked about things that came to mind. it was lovely, really. we could literally talk about anything and everything, i liked that.

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