Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Whatever...i just came to tell you he's here already!"

Jimin gasped turning red and panicking instantly.

"Wh....why didn't you tell me?"

Jungkook frowned. "Well, I just did" he said rolling his eyes as he left the room banging the door hard behind him.

"That brat" he muttered under his breath but looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was looking so flushed. He took deep long breaths before finally leaving his room to meet his parents and their guests downstairs at the parlor.

When he saw him, his heart somersaulted several times. Min Yoongi fifteen years old, had a pretty baby face but his look could be stern if he wanted to. His hair was dyed silver and he smiled at him several times focusing only his attention on him making Jimin flustered and shy. He liked the way he was looking at him and even during dinner, his eyes was only fixated on him.

"Jimin...Jimin did you hear what they said?" his step mother's voice rang in his head loudly and he looked up only to find out he had been spaced out in another planet and they where all giving him weird glances.

He blinked repeatedly trying hard to hide his embarrassment. "Well em em..."

"Cute!" Yoongi suddenly muttered chuckling and his step mother frowned.

"Forgive me, my step son tends to forget himself sometimes. Maybe you should reconsider your decision?" She said and laughed but no one laughed with her so she growled inwardly and turned to Jimin plastering a fake smile on her face.

"So what do you think about getting engaged to Yoongi? When you come back from the states after your education, you two will get married"

He liked the idea of marrying Yoongi. He liked it very much but then he froze. The States? They were going away?

His eyes widened "Wait what? The states?"

Park Han soo nodded. "Yes. You and your brother are going to go to America to study" he said dryly.

"All of a sudden? But you never told me!" Jimin cried.

"It has already been decided Jimin. It's final. Deal with it" his father said, looking totally unbothered.

Jimin looked at Jungkook sitting beside him.

"Did you know about this?" he whispered and Jungkook slowly nodded without looking at him.

Jimin got out from his seat not even minding if Yoongi saw him so distressed.

"Where are you going?" His father roared.

"Don't you know it's disrespectful to leave the table when your elders are still seated?" His step mother hissed but Jimin didn't care. He just had to be away from them, all of them so he ran, out of the house and towards the green fields. He finally stopped in front of a lone grave stone meters away from the main house. His mother's grave. He knelt in front of it, crying his eyes out. He didn't know how long he was there until he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He turned and saw Yoongi. The older gave him a small smile as he knelt beside him.

"May I?" he said gently.

Jimin nodded wiping away his tears. There was silence for a while before Yoongi spoke.

"It's only going to be for a while. We'll see each other again"

Jimin sniffed. "I don't want to leave. This is my home. My mother grew up here in this house, in this town... If I leave, it would be like I'm leaving all her memories behind"

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