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Never Look Back

"Taehyung, I want you to run. Run away from here as fast as you can. Never look back." Taehyung's mother said as she held his son in his shoulders. Sadness and worry was etched on her beautiful face. She looked at her only son and memorized his features one last time. She will forever keep that memory with her.

"Mother I can't leave you here!" Taehyung said as tears were now forming in his eyes. He can't leave his mother alone now that his father was killed. He can't loose her. She's the only family he have left.

"Taehyung, my son. Please listen to me." His mother said as he held his son in his face. Making him face her. "Taehyung I swore an oath to the gods that I'll protect you. I cannot break that promise even if it means for me to be killed. You're life is more precious than mine."

"Mother don't say that! You're precious to me!" Taehyung said.

"Oh my Tae." His mother said and hugged the boy tight. "I love you so much. I really do but you must understand. You need to live, you still need to see them." His mother whispered the last sentence but it was audible enough for Taehyung to be heard.

He immediately pulled from the hugged and questioned his mother. "What do you mean 'them'?"

"Taehyung there is no time to loose. You must get out of here." His mother said as she walked towards the balcony door and opened it. She stepped outside and looked below. Taehyung followed his mother.

"Run away from here and never look back. Once you cross the river of promises you are now safe. Look for the others. They'll help you." His mother said.

Taehyung was confused and the panic he felt was not helping at all. His mother saw the confusion etched on the boy's delicate features.

"Tae, just promise me you'll be safe. I want you to be safe." His mother said, tears were falling from her eyes.

"Mother why can't you leave with me?" Taehyung asked.

"If only I can." His mother whispered.

Taehyung just looked at her. He was sad since this is probably he last time he'll see his mother. He knew that this will happen eventually and he prepared himself but it feels so different on the actual. It feels more painful. 

For days, the Viles were hunting him down. It all started when he was roaming at the forest near the Flame Kingdom when he saw a young boy being chased by two Viles. 

He heard of the said men but never saw one. They were known as vile and vicious from the name they are given, 'Viles'. They show no mercy. They will kill everyone on their path, even children.

Taehyung woke up from his daze and chased the running boy. When he Viles were nearing the child, Taehyung spent no time jumping in between them. It shocked both the Viles and the young child.

"Step away from him." Taehyung said in his deep voice. He eyed the two Viles. They were wearing a piece of black clothing that masks their nose below, only their eyes were visible.

The troops looked confused as to where this person came from but nonetheless aimed their gun at Taehyung.

"Oh, choosing the hard way huh?" Taehyung asked as he smirked and raised his brow.

The Viles were about to shoot when Taehyung lifted his hand and froze the guns. The Viles immediately dropped it and stepped away from the boy. Fear and amazement etched on their faces.

"An ice wielder." One of the Viles said. 

"Interesting." Said the other before pulling something from their pockets.

It was another gun but smaller. They aimed it at the boy behind Taehyung and pulled the trigger but Taehyung was quick. He again lifted his hand and froze the bullets.

"Very naughty are we?" Taehyung said as he raised his hand and threw something directly to the Viles. Sharp icicles were shot towards the enemy. One of the Viles were stabbed and the other used his partner's body to shield himself.

When the surviving Vile saw that his partner was dead, he immediately ran from Taehyung and disappeared into thin air.

'Weird'. Taehyung thought. Viles cannot disappear into thin air like that. Only Air Wielders can. 

Taehyung was snapped out of his gaze when he heard the young boy calling for him. He went closer to the boy who suddenly moved away from Taehyung. He was afraid that Taehyung may be one of them.

Sensing the boy's fear, Taehyung smiled at him warmly. He didn't moved closer to the boy so he can't scare him more.

"Hello, I'm Taehyung, I'm an ice wielder." Taehyung introduced himself softly to the boy. The boy had black hair and reddish brown eyes. 

'A Fire Wielder. A royal one.' Taehyung thought.

Only people with royal blood have a different eye color. The boy is a royal. A young prince considering his age. How come a prince is wandering deep in the woods alone? And the fact that he was chased by Viles.

'Something is not right.' Taehyung thought.

"Can I know your name?" Taehyung asked the boy. He didn't know anyone from the other kingdoms since his parents didn't allow him to leave the kingdom. He actually just sneak out that day.

The boy hesitated a bit but soon gave in. "Jungrin." 

Taehyung smiled warmly. He was happy that he now earned the boy's trust.

"So Jungrin, why were you being chased by the Viles? They are very dangerous people and they might kill you." Taehyung asked.

The boy looked like he was going to cry but stopped himself from doing so.

"O-our kingdom was attacked." The boy said. He now had tears flowing from his small face. "M-my parents were killed because they were trying to save me."

Taehyung didn't know how to react. Such a poor young boy orphaned at such a young age. Taehyung can't help but pity him. 

"My mother told me to run towards the woods and never stop until I saw a kingdom. I ran away but two Viles were chasing me." Continued the boy. He was now crying hard as he recalled his horrible and scary encounter with the Viles. 

If Taehyung hadn't sneaked out and wandered then the boy will be dead for sure. He moved closer to the young boy and hugged him.

"Don't worry, you're now safe. I'll bring you to my kingdom okay?" Said Taehyung as he rubbed circles in the boy's back calming him down.

Now, it feels like he was the boy. He feels like he was Jungrin. Ordered to run away and never look back. He enveloped him mother in a tight warm hug.

"I love you, mother." Taehyung whispered. He closed his eyes and wished that everything as just a bad dream and that he will wake up any moment. 

"I love you too, Taehyung." His mother whispered. 

They both let go of the hug and looked into each other's eyes. Memorizing their features one last time before departing.

Taehyung jumped from his balcony and landed smoothly in the ground with the aid of his power. He looked above his balcony to his mother. She was waving and smiling sadly. Taehyung waved back and smiled sadly before turning his back and running away from his mother, his kingdom, and his home.


So? How was it? Was it good? It's actually my first time writing a fantasy themed book about BTS. I was inspired by the story "Dark Waters" by Rani (TheFantasticFoursome). I recommend that book, it's so good. 

Also, don't forget to vote and comment! :)

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