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My mind, is usually just a world crammed with secrets that have been neglected and ignored by myself, and usually always reminded never to look back on them, for I think they would destroy me.

Me, in appearence, I'm a person who reeks of suspicion, with my messy blonde hair and my gold eyes thats shadowed by a black hood.

What other people think of me although, I don't really care. But they fear me, because of the danger by myside.

Dark and curved, with glinting metal and a black case, just matching my attire.

My duel swords.

They're special, and they're feared. But thats not how they're special is it?

That is now a secret that would destroy me, and I've planned to erase it from my mind.

What is my name? I don't have any people to talk to, so I don't use a name really. Someone could call me a thousand names, but to me they're zero...

Zero... that is the name if I need one.

That's myself, the one who sits on the dark wood of a bench looking to the sky and wants answers to my various questions.

That's me.

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