The Experienced

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"How are you alive?" Alejandro asked giving him a bro hug.

"I didn't get shot." Michael said.

"This is crazy." Sinu said looking at Clara.

"Yes it is, the bullet didn't hit my head." Clara said.

"I went back to my house and seen her moving so I took her to the hospital Gordan." Michael said and they gave each other hugs.

"So, you guys are going to have a grandchild." Sinu said making their jaws drop.

"Are you serious?" Michael asked.

"Yeah that's the thing also, Camila isn't feeling very well right now." Alejandro said making Sinu furrowed her eye brows.

"What do mean?" Sinu asked.

"She can't stop crying at all." Alejandro said.

"Pregnancy hormones?" Sinu asked and he shook his head.

"Because of Lauren." Alejandro said.

"So, Camila is pregnant with Lauren's child?" Clara asked and they nodded.

"Woah, my brain is very slow." Michael said following Sinu to the car.

They all got in and Normani ran to her parents for a hug.

"Oh baby." Sinu said hugging Camila as she buried herself in Lauren's jacket.

"Mama, I'm scared." Camila said giving them Alejandro flash backs.


"Daddy I'm scared." Baby Camila said.

"Why? You don't want to see your baby sister?" Alejandro asked.

"No I do, but what if she don't like me?" She asked.

"Non sense Karla, this child will love you forever." He said as they entered the room to Sinu smiling down at the baby in her arms.

"Wanna see her?" Sinu asked and Camila nodded while biting her lip.

Alejandro picked her up and she smiled down at her baby sister.

"See baby, their is nothing to be scared about." Alejandro said.

"Yes, she loves you already and will never leave you." Sinu said and they group hugged.

Flashback End

"I don't know what to do." Camila cried out and Michael looked at Alejandro sadly.

"Look around sweetheart, we are in this together okay? We are a family." Sinu said smiling as Camila looked at everyone.

"Are they..." Camila trailed off.

"Yes, they are Lauren's parents." Sinu said smiling at the 2.

"Well now this is embarrassing." Camila said making everyone laugh.

"How so?" Clara asked.

"This is not how I would plan on meeting my girlfriend's parents." Camila said wiping her tears.

"It's okay." Michael said.

"Where were you two for this long?" Derrick asked.

"Everywhere." Clara said.

"Literally." Michael said.

"You didn't think to come and visit Lauren?" Milika asked.

"We couldn't." Clara said sadly.

"Yeah, we'll be putting a target on her back if we did and that's like a weak spot for us." Michael stated.

"Sadly, it feels like we did that." Clara said.

"Im pretty sure you didn't, if she didn't even know you were alive them you're fine. I promise she won't hate you." Camila said and they nodded with a smile.

"Off to the base." Alejandro said pulling off sending them back into the seat.

"Father!" Camila yelped and he slowed down.

"Sorry." He said making them laugh.

"I love you, but do not kill our grandchild." Sinu said and he rolled his eyes.

"Can we do one thing before we get there?" Camila asked.

"Mila, are you sure?" Normani asked.

"Mani, even if she did try to kill her own mother, she's still our childhood bestfriend." Camila said making Patricia look down.

"It's okay, maybe if we tell her that we are still happy together, she'll see things in a different way." Jerry said and Patricia said.

"Jerry, I didn't commit to it." Patricia said.

"Meaning?" Jerry asked.

"Whoever she slept with raped her." Michael said and Jerry jaw twitch.

"Uh, we're here." Alejandro said slowly.

Camila, Normani, and Jerry got out. They made their way into the station and the police man looked at them in confusion.

"Ally Brooke Hernandez." Normani said and he ushered them to a cell which they see her curled up in a ball.

"We wanna bail her out." Camila said and he nodded while unlocking the cell making her look up at them.

"Dad?" Ally asked and he nodded with a sad smile.

"We need to talk." Jerry said and Ally looked down.

"I'm sorry, I was angry." Ally said.

"I know sweetheart, but you have to know the full story in which we are going to tell you." Jerry said making Ally give them a confused face.

"What do you mean?" Ally asked making him sit down next to her.

"Ally, your mother was raped, she didn't cheat me." Jerry said making tears slip out her eyes.

"I did all of that and turned out she was raped. I'm terrible person." Ally said putting her head in her arms.

"No, you just tried to protect me." Jerry said.

"We should get going." Camila said.

"Tell her I'm sorry." Ally said.

"Tell her yourself." Normani said leaving and Ally looked at her father confused.

"We bailed you out, I'm not leaving my daughter here in Canada in prison." Jerry said holding out his hand and she smiled.

She took his hand and they walked out the police station. As they made their way to the station, Camila having morning sickness threw up outside the car.

"Well great." Camila said as Alejandro patted her back.

"We'll get her back, you need rest." Alejandro said and she nodded with a small smile.

As they made their way in the car,  Camila rested her head on her mother shoulder as she rubbed her back slowly. Sinu gave everyone that knowing look and they sighed.

"Girls, get some rest. We'll wake you when we get to the base." Clara said and they nodded.

Ally clutched onto Patricia, Normani layed on Andrea, and Camila went to sleep on Sinu shoulder.

"We're going to hit them hard to get our children back." Clara said and Milika nodded.

"Protective mothers." Michael said and Gordan nodded.

"You best of have trained our children well Alejandro." Gordan said and Alejandro smiled.

"You know I have." Alejandro said with a smirk.

A/N: Hi, y'all better wish Dinah happy birthday in 3 and a half hours...

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