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Ochako woke up in a bed, and immediately began to fight a wave of disappointment. "Aw man," Ochako complained under her breath, "Don't tell me that was a dream..."

"It was no dream, young lady," Replied an elderly voice, and Ochako looked to her right to see Recovery Girl sitting on a chair, looking vaguely annoyed, "You're very lucky nausea is extremely easy to treat, compared to napalm burns." Recovery Girl gave a quick glare to the bed directly across from Ochako, and Ochako looked over to where Recovery Girl was glaring.

Her eyes met with Bakugou's unnerving stare.

"Similarly, Bakugou-kun is very lucky that dehydration is also easy to treat, but if he's going to overuse his Quirk like that, he's going to have to take future precautions." Recovery Girl half-scolded Bakugou while rummaging around a cabinet for something. Ochako met Bakugou's unflinching gaze, and the two began a sort of impromptu staring contest.

"Uraraka!" Deku called out, and instinctively, Ochako broke her line of sight to look at the door, where Deku had just burst in with her entire class hot on his heels.

"That was cool as FUCK! " Satou Rikidou shouted.

"No yelling in the infirmary!" Recovery Girl yelled at him.

"Ochako-hon!" Tsuyu-hon ribbited as she ran to her bedside. "Are you alright, kero?"

"I'm fine, Tsuyu-hon," Ochako smiled, "Although maybe I shouldn't do that again for a while."

"Which part?" Kaminari asked, "Tearing apart the Earth, or battling Bakugou?"

Jirou lightly smacked Kaminari, glared at Bakugou, and then walked over to Ochako. "I almost didn't want to watch the match, you know. Bakugou's really tough, and it's- it was awful, seeing you getting knocked around like that."

Ochako blinked. "How long was I getting blown back? It all sort of melded together, and I thought I heard the audience start screaming about how defenseless I was."

The other students exchanged glances before Deku spoke up. "You were setting up your meteor shower for about four solid minutes."

Ochako jolted slightly. "I was? It felt like ten seconds!"

"Yes, well," Yaoyorozu looked somewhat concerned. "Are you feeling alright, Uraraka-chan? I don't think I've ever seen you do something on that big a scale."

Ochako smiled softly, and her stomach suddenly protested. "It was... Let's say, it was in the heat of the moment."

Yaoyorozu looked unsure, but was seemingly satisfied.

Kirishima was off at Bakugou's side, talking to him, but Bakugou was unresponsive.

Finally, it seemed like Recovery Girl had had enough, and began to shoo everyone out of the Hospital Wing, the door shutting behind her, leaving Ochako alone with Bakugou.

"Hey, Uraraka, right?" Bakugou spoke for the first time since Ochako had woken up. Ochako tensed. "Sorry for calling you Moon-face earlier. Old habit."

Ochako frowned. "Okay, I accept your apology."

Bakugou didn't really react to that, instead studying Ochako's face before asking: "Did Deku tell you how to fight me?"

Ochako scoffed. "The last time I saw Deku, aside from right now, was when I threw myself over him after his match with Todoroki. What, I can't beat you without help?"

"No, no." Bakugou stared at her some more. "In fact, that's actually even better."

Ochako got a weird feeling. "Bakugou, I'll have you know you're at the bottom of my list of dateable people, so-"

NutriculaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora