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"Face Off!"

As Izuku's sight returned, he immediately began to steeple his fingers. "Yamikumo, you could have told me sooner that Shinsou's Quirk was Brainwashing."

"So-rry," Akatani grumbled as he felt his (Izuku's, technically) jaw, "I didn't think Shinsou would make it this far. My money was on Suzumiya, but beggars can't be choosers I guess. So I probably owe Fukusan some money."

"We need to focus," Yuikami interrupted, clapping his hands together as if he had just finished dusting something. "Do you have any strategies, Midoriya? Any tips, Akatani?"

"Yeah," Akatani replied, "You can't respond to him. His Quirk is voice-activated, and only activates once someone responds to anything he could say. That's probably how he ensnared those other three students, and maybe how he got Yoarashi's headbands."

"And weaknesses?" Izuku asked, head whirling with possibilities.

"Well, as long as you don't react to anything he says," Akatani confirmed, "You'll be fine. If you do go under, a simple physical jolt should be enough to break you out of it. It could just be something as light as stubbing your toe or bumping your elbow, but that should be it."

"I see," Izuku sighed, getting up from the table he was sitting at, "Thank you, Yamikumo. I think I have an idea of what to do."

"Remember, you can't use your Quirk, Midoriya," Yuikami warned him, "Otherwise your HR teacher is going to be pissed at you, or whatever. I still don't really understand why you're not allowed to compete officially - any publicity you'll get from this stunt may be really bad-"

"Well, isn't all publicity good publicity?" Izuku smirked. Yuikami blinked.

"Wow, for a second, I thought my Quirk released itself," Yuikami grinned, "Akatani, you've been making our little Midoriya into a sassmaster, huh?"

"Never say that again, what are you, 90?"

"THANK YOU, CEMENTOSS!!!" Present Mic's voice rang through the halls.

"Time to head out, Midoriya," Yuikami said, opening the door and walking out, "I'm heading up to the stands, Akatani. Don't be too long."

Akatani watched Yuikami leave before turning to Midoriya. "Midoriya, you can switch back with me if you want."


"I'm going to level with you. This plan - it was ill-conceived from the start. Yuikami may be brilliant, but he should stick to pomade. I mean, I take the credit for your actions? Time and time again, you've just been outthinking everyone, proving everyone wrong, and it's my face you're wearing while doing it." Akatani exhaled. "Midoriya, I don't- I don't think I could ever replicate what you can do in a million years, even if you personally taught me anything. Not only that, but realistically? Yuikami's Quirk can't hold forever, and you're nowhere near Quirkless either, not like me. Shinsou'll know immediately that it's not me the minute you open your mouth, too - you've been lucky so far, but your luck can't hold forever, and-"

Izuku held up a hand, his mind swirling as he considered all of Akatani's points. Finally, he came to a decision.

"I'm going to compete."


"Yamikumo, I want to finish our plan. Besides, you're talking as if I'll be responding to Shinsou. It'll be fine, I promise."

"... At least tell me what your Quirk is." Akatani eventually requested.


"Because if I know what your Quirk is, I could commission Support Gear to help replicate it."

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