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As the crowd exploded into a roar, Yamada Hizashi couldn't help but grin. This. This is what I love about DJing, he thought, The sheer energy everyone gives, it's almost intoxicating! I love it!

"Welcome, listeners, to the First-Year Division of the annual UA Sports Festival!" Hizashi paused to let the subsequent cheers die down. "I'm gonna be your host with the absolute most, the Voice Hero, Present Mic ! It's a beautifully sunny day here in May, and with me today is my hubby and coworker, Aizawa Shouta! How ya doin', Shouta, my man?!"

Hizashi turned to his boothmate, who was glaring at him with absolute murder underneath all that gauze. Hizashi didn't care - that was a normal expression for him. "Two things, Hizashi," Shouta said, slightly muffled. Luckily, the mic picked up what Shouta was saying, no problem. "One, I'm not your husband."

"Really?" Hizashi said, cocking his head as the stadium began to laugh, "Damn, guess I gotta tell Kan that we gotta return those cruise tickets-"

"Yet," Shouta cut Hizashi off, and Hizashi grinned, "I'm not your husband yet. Sekijirou, don't you dare cancel our tickets." Shouta seemed to realize he was being sucked into Hizashi's impromptu manzai routine and collected himself. "Secondly, you just dropped out of nowhere and dragged me up here. I'm supposed to be in the opening ceremony."

"Well, Shouta," Hizashi said nonchalantly, picking up the mic as he leaned back in his chair, "I'm not keeping you here. You can leave whenever you want."

"Hell no," Shouta sighed, "Someone's got to keep you in check. Someone else can take care of the oath."

"Well, I'm glad you said that, Shouta. But first!" Hizashi turned his attention back to the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen! Humans of all genders! Animals of divine intelligence! I give to you, the first years of UA Academy!"


Izuku walked alongside Shinsou Hitoshi and some girl who had a third eye on her neck into the blinding sunlight of the arena. Despite the seeds of nervousness certainly rooted in his gut, he knew the plan would go off without a hitch, provided he didn't get too reckless.

Which was already a pretty tall order, but Izuku was positive he could manage it.

"NOW, everybody! Give it up for the Athlete's Oath, presented by none other than the R18 Hero, Midniiiiiiiiiiight! " The crowd cheered loudly as Midnight slowly swaggered up to the microphone, cat-o-nine-tails in hand and a sensual grin on her face. Izuku blushed slightly and looked away, incidentally towards Shinsou, who was staring ahead with a stony face.

"Should... Should an R18 Hero really be the one presenting the Athlete's Oath to a bunch of fifteen-year-olds?" The girl with three eyes asked.

"Hey, all of you! Pipe down!" Midnight shouted at the mass of assembled first-years, "And will your student representative, Bakugou Katsuki, come up here?!"

At the crowd's cheer at the arrival of the student representative, Izuku silently realized that it made some sort of sense. After all, if he remembered correctly, Bakugou was the one who got the top spot in the entrance exam. They had probably decided upon it the moment that Bakugou got the highest score.

"Feh," The girl spat, "He only got to go up there because he's in the Hero course. Disgusting."

"Yeah," A stocky boy behind her agreed, "Treating us like afterthoughts... Right, Yamikumo?"

Izuku forced his borrowed face into an annoyed scowl (which was surprisingly easy) and nodded. "Annoying..." He muttered with some sort of dark intent.

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