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Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time or any crossovers I may end up using!

(A/N) I tried to make this more realistic or tried too. It seems odd to me that some people in their fics, have their MC kill zombies no problem(Though to be fair in another fic I did the same), I prefer that to come later, after panicking, some crying, and strengthening their resolve. Though this will be the only time, this happens to Emma!


Emma stood in her room, looking over her skills. "I guess it's time to see what they do," muttered Emma, "ID Create."

Emma felt nothing, taking a look around the room she looked for anything out of place. *Sigh* "Let's try this again." said Emma. "ID Create."

Before Emma could blink the room rippled and a blue screen appeared in front of her.

[ID Create] - Rank S - Lvl. 2/100 - Exp: 25% - MP cost: 50

Description: A skill to create an instant world. Current worlds, (TWD)

That's it? Thought Emma, I was expecting something more. Clicking TWD Emma read the window.

The Walking Dead(Zombie apocalypse world) - Danger level - Rank F

In this world, the zombie virus has spread across the planet. Nowhere is truly safe. Upon entering this world, you will have a 7-hour time limit. During your seven-hour period, twelve hours will pass in the real world. The more you kill, the higher the reward!

"Zombies," Emma said, staring incredulously at the text. Closing the window, Emma thought about she should do. I can't fight them now. I still have that friend quest, and disappearing for three days after I just arrived in town would be a mistake.

Shaking her head, Emma put on her boots and left her room. Immediately after locking the door to her room, Emma noticed something wrong. "What's going on here," said Emma, shocked. The coloring of the walls, the doors, ceiling, and the floor had all changed into a dull grey and blue color.

Turning around, Emma went to check her door and froze. Her door was gone, in its place was a polished silver door and no doorknob.

Taking a deep breath, Emma attempted to calm herself down. "ID Escape," Emma called out in a shaking voice. Not a thing happened. Checking her mana, Emma found it was empty. She had used it all on ID Create. Emma would need around an hour for her mana to regenerate.

Remembering the rules, she had learned a few days before. Emma decided to confirm if she was in the TWD world or not. "Time," whispered Emma.

Time left - 6:52

Emma shuddered, she was right. She was stuck in this zombie-infested world for half a day. And there was not a weapon in sight.

Calming her self, Emma walk towards the stairs. Finding a weapon was the most important thing to do at the moment. As she was coming down the stairs, Emma had to take a step back at the repulsive smell. Turning her head, Emma came further down the stairs to find the cause of the repulsive smell.

As Emma reached the last part of the stairs, Emma covered her mouth to hold back the bile that threatened to come up. Bodies littered the bottom floor of what Emma could only assume had been some sort of hotel.

Steeling her nerves, Emma attempted to go forward. Then turned her head to the side to throw up. By merely taking a couple steps forward, the smell of rotten flesh, among other things. Had gotten twice as strong.

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