Piper McLean: really? -___-


Leona Valquez became friends with Leo Valdez

Leona Valquez posted a comment on Leo Valdez's wall: hey there sexy <3

Leo Valdez likes this


Percy Jackson: wtf

Calypso: WHAT

Leo Valdez: okay that's a legit statement but who the the hades is leona valquez?

Percy Jackson: ><

Hades: would you please stop tagging me

Leo Valdez updated his status: WHO is Leona Valquez?

Percy Jackson, Calypso and 53 others like this


Calypso: that's what I'M wondering

Leona Valquez: I'm new here. but don't you remember me? ;)

Leo Valdez: should I?

Calyspo: remember you? What haven't you been telling me, Leo?

Leo Valdez: :|

Calypso: Leo?

Leona Valquez posted a comment on Leo Valdez's wall: Tonight at 6? By the lake?

Aphrodite and Connor Stoll like this

Calypso dislikes this


Calypso: WHAT

Aphrodite: ooh drama

Leo Valdez: I don't even know who you are!

Leona Valquez: sure you do ;)

Leo Valdez: what are you talking about

Leona Valquez: remember that night? By the lake?


Aphrodite: jealous much?

Piper McLean: mom shut up

Aphrodite: :/


Annabeth Jackson updated her status: Am I the only who noticed the similarities between the names "Leo Valdez" and "Leona Valquez"?

Percy Jackson, Connor Stoll, and 106 others liked this


Percy Jackson: that is a good point...

Leo Valdez: what's that supposed to mean?

Leo Valdez: you really think I'd purposefully do something like this

Travis Stoll: might be fun

Connor Stoll: ;)

Leo Valdez: CONNOR

Leo Valdez: TRAVIS

Leo Valdez: YOU SUCK

Connor Stoll: why thank you :)


Leona Valquez updated her status: well, that was fun while it lasted

Aphrodite likes this

Calypso dislikes this


Calypso: no. no it wasn't

~Leona Valquez deleted her account~

Calypso and Leo Valdez like this


Leo Valdez: THANK GODS

Leo Valdez: although she did say I was sexy

Connor Stoll: dude

Travis Stoll: that was us

Connor Stoll: remember?

Leo Valdez: ><

Leo Valdez: you suck

Leo Valdez: but you do think I'm sexy

Leo Valdez: right?


Anyone get the Percabeth's Child reference there?

Sorry I haven't udpated this for so long! It'll still be awhile till I can update Jiper's Child (I'm waiting until I've read Blood of Olympus) so I thought I'd update this.

Two more things:

1) I'm sort of running out ideas for this book, so I thought I'd do a question-and-answer session with the demigods, where they all answer the questions YOU ask, so if you'd like to see a certain question there please post it!

2) As I said before, I can't update Jiper Child for a little while still so I thought (if this isn't a really stupid idea) I would do a question-and-answer thing myself. So if you have any questions for ME, post them below also! I'll probably be posting it in the Jiper's Child book if I get any questions.

*If you do post any questions please specify if it's for the demigods or me!*

I love all of y'all,


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