deux | cherry

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"Cherry, that's what her name is"
Harry shared the news to his two best friends in the Gryffindor common room. The only things he had heard was that her name is Cherry Fischer and that she's actually from Germany. "What more?" Hermonie asked eagerly with wide eyes. She was dying to know about the student, what she did, who she actually was.

"Nothing," he said. Knowing that she's from Germany isn't anything usable.

It was their third day in Hogwarts. Nothing new had happened, but Malfoy was still acting odd. Harry thinks it's because of Cherry.

"Her dialect is fantastique" Seamus held his hand upwards, pressed his thumb against his other fingers and kissed the top of them. "You haven't even talked to her..." Dean was doing homework they had gotten from Snape. "Actually, I was standing 5 meters from her." Seamus bragged.

"I can't believe we got homework from Snape when it's our third day!" Ron groaned and took up our poisons book and scrolled through the old pages. "We need homework Ron," Hermione rolled her eyes "without it we wouldn't know anything! Well... You four wouldn't." She pointed at Seamus, Dean, Harry and Ron.

"What is it actually to know? I forget everything after I've done the homework anyway." Seamus looked at Harry who was awfully quiet.

"I'm going to the library, see you all later." Harry raised from his seat on the couch and walked away.

He didn't know what he was searching for, but he wanted to be left alone for a short second. His eyes scanned all of the books standing in line on the shelves, it was quiet like usual here. In the corner of the room, he saw Pansy and Blaise.

They were talking about something important, it seemed. Their arms flew everywhere, and Pansy appeared to be annoyed about something. Harry tried to listen as closely he could, but he could easily be noticed.

Without a warning, he got yanked in his arm and showed into a shelf. When he opened his eyes he saw an angry Draco. "And what do you think you're doing?" he hissed.

Harry was speechless, "What did I say about eavesdrop Potter?" He spoke quietly but still hissed, like he was trying not to be heard by his friends.

"You haven't been so good either Malfoy, I've seen all the times you've been watching me!" Harry pushed him into the shelf behind him so he wasn't standing close to Harry anymore.

"What's happening here?" Pansy and Blaise watched them, they both becoming amused when they saw the brown-haired boy. ''Leave you both, I'm coming'' It sounded like a lie when it came from Malfoy but they obeyed and left without saying a word.
''What do you want?'' Harry spat, but Draco didn't look back at him. He was watching if Pansy and Blaise had left yet.

Draco turned around to Harry and looked at him for a while, ''I know what you're up to Potter, stay away from Cherry.'' He came deadly close to Harry, so close that Harry could feel his warmth. ''I can't promise you that.'' He looked up to Draco who was taller than himself.

''This is your final warning.'' And with that Draco left the library. It became quiet again, and Harry didn't want to stay there any longer. He needed to tell this to Hermione and Ron.

•• ┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈••

"What did you hear?" Hermione was hovering over the table to hear what Harry had to say, but quickly got disappointed when he said something in lines of 'absolutely nothing' Ron and Hermione signed deeply of the lack of news and went back to eating their lunch.

Neville came from the great hall door, they hadn't been seeing him the three days they've been in Hogwarts again. "Neville where have you been?" They said in unison. He smiled gladly at them, ignoring the question until they repeated themselves.

"Um, with grandma. We needed to do some things." He began to eat chicken and rice in front of him.

"Fuck me!" Ron groaned and threw his head back. They all looked at him terrified. "What is it?" Harry asked with a mouth full of food.
"We have poisons... I forgot." He rubbed his temples with an annoyed face.

"Snape isn't that bad..." Neville said, but they all knew that he was frightened of him. "No, it's the Slytherins," Ron explained.

"Okay, have so fun now. I'm going to muggle studies." Hermione waved goodbye and jumped away from the great hall earlier.

"What is Malfoy is together with Cherry?" Ron asked curiously when they were walking to poisons together. "No," Harry said quietly, "why would he be?" but he did really think about it. Maybe they were? It would make sense.

The dungeon was colder than usual because they had been out in the warmth for so long. "Snape is not here," said a Slytherin to his friend. Ron smiled widely and had more hope now about surviving this class now.

"Where is he?" The class started quickly to talk about the possibility's where he could be. They sat on their usual spots when it came a substitute teacher, they had never seen him before. "Okay class I'm Professor Belby and I'll be teaching today." His tie was loose and nobody could take him any seriously.

"I want you to mix so, Mr Weasley you go with Mr Crabbe, Mr Longbottom with Parkinson, Mr Potter-" he stopped rambling up the names from a list and stared at Harry. It didn't come as a surprise, it always happened to him at this point. "Mr Potter with Mr Malfoy" he continued, but Harry wished he hadn't.

When everybody got a partner, he began to explain to them what to do. "I want you to make two love poisons, and it has to be good. Because you're going to try it on each other, It'll last 24 hours if something doesn't go wrong."

The class groaned, nobody wanted to be with who they worked with, so it would be harder than usual.

Harry took a seat beside Malfoy.
He hoped it wouldn't go wrong.

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