quatre | notes

189 8 5

''Ronald, as I've told you a hundred times, I don't want to marry you!''
Hermione ran around the Gryffindor's common room away from Ron who was trying to kiss her desperately. "But I love you!" He turned chairs up and down just to get Hermione.

"Harry help me!" She called out when she saw Harry standing and laughing at how Ron was acting, she ran on a couch and almost tripped over when she tried to look back and see where Ron was. But what she didn't know, was that he was hidden behind the couch, and ready to get her.

"I knew you loved me," he said as he kissed her all over the cheeks, she blushed heavily and looked at Harry, practically begging for help. She picked out her wand, raised it towards Ron and said: "arresto momentum" to speed him down.

"Why aren't you being like that?" she asked and pointed at Ron who was running in slow motion towards them. "I guess it didn't work" he shrugged, but was happy about it at the same time. Ron came nearer and nearer, so they backed away for him to not reach them.

"I'll have to be with that lunatic now for the rest of the day thanks for professor Belby!" She groaned loudly enough to catch Seamus and Dean's attention. They were very much new woken but was ready to run a marathon when they heard Hermione's strained voice. At this moment, Ron was standing close to her without her notice, he gave her a small kiss (still in slow-motion) and she turned around to see him closing his eyes and pouting his lips.

"Ugh" she walked away with crosses arms.

Harry stepped out to the boy's dorm to get ready for breakfast. As he walked in he saw Hedwig holding a note in her beak. "Hi, Hedwig" Harry stroked her feathers carefully and took the note.

It didn't say whom it was from, it could be from anyone, Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore etc. He looked around it closer to see if there were any letters, but none. He opened it slowly, so he wouldn't break anything. The paper note inside it was rich, so he assumed it was from Dumbledore.

Before he could read anything from the note, Hermione called for him downstairs to come for breakfast with her. "What were you doing up there? it took you so long" she said and watched out for Ron. "I was opening a letter I got from Dumbledore... I think" he scratched his neck, looking down.

"You think? You shouldn't open anything if you don't know who it is from!" she began to scold him, grabbing everyone's attention. "Okay," he tried to keep her as calm as possible.

"Who do you think Lavender have fallen for?" Hermione asked curiously and searched for her in the great hall, but she wasn't there yet. Harry shrugged and began to eat his toast, she had told Harry before that she had a thing for Ron, but he didn't want to mention his name now when she was annoyed by the lovesick ginger.

When he sat there, eating peacefully he felt something; or rather someone - brushing their hand against Harry's back smoothly as they were walking somewhere. He couldn't tell whom it was because there was a whole pack of diffrent houses walking at the same time behind him. He tried to see if someone was going to look back at him, but none of them did. But one thing he saw was Draco smiling for himself.

•• ┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈••

''I'm sorry, could you help me?'' Harry didn't recognise the voice, but was shocked when he saw who it was- Cherry. The one Malfoy had told him not to talk to, the girl everyone was talking about. He was unsure of what to say, even though the question she asked was crystal clear. ''I- yes?'' he managed to say. Cherry smiled and furrowed her brows at him, 'shit, she probably thinks I'm weird' Harry thought to himself when he noticed how she reacted.

''So... What do you want help with?'' he asked awkwardly. ''Um,'' she took her textbook and sat beside him. ''So where do vampires live? You know- besides Transylvania'' she tried to joke, but Harry was too caught up at looking what she had written.

'DADA - He sits by himself' it said neatly in one of the corners, and with the exact time they started and ended the class. His heart jumped and his body floated with fear, but it could be about anyone, at least that's what he tried to convince himself. ''Yeah... I don't really know the answer to that'' he tried to let go of his staring in the textbook.

''No talking please'' the professor said, and they had to stop talking. It felt like a relief for Harry. She eventually moved back to her seat after they couldn't speak to each other anymore. He could finally breathe.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were back at the Gryffindor's common room and it was getting late now. Ron was still acting lovesick but it was getting better, he didn't always have to touch or be close to Hermione. Lavender, however; was by his side, tightly. She didn't want to let go of his arm when Ron was heading to the boy's dorm just to avoid her.

''I'll go up now'' said Harry and left. He was finally going to read that letter after a time of waiting for it. All this day he thought it was from Dumbledore- but he realised immediately it wasn't when it stood:

Dear Potter,

I've been holding this from you in a very long time. And I don't think I can do it much longer, it's aching in my chest, I have to spit it out.
I love you, so much. I've loved you since year three. Whenever I see you my heart feels like it's gonna explode, all of my blood rushes from my body and makes me blush whenever I talk to you or even think about you!

I can't believe I'm writing to you. I wouldn't do that a day ago, but now I'm for some strange reason.

I hope I don't scare you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if this letter makes you want to stay away from me Potter.

From, your Slytherin.

There Harry stood, with the letter in his hand, absolutely speechless. ''Your Slytherin'' he wasn't even friends with a Slytherin, he was enemies with them and that's all he knew. His face blushed, and soon Ron would notice because when he saw Harry blush he started to laugh. ''What happened to you?'' he laughed and looked at Harry's red cheeks. ''Don't say that you're in love with me!'' Ron gasped and backed away.

Harry shook his head 'no' but tried at the same time hide the love letter from Ron. He must never know about this, nor anyone else.

When everyone else had fallen asleep, Harry laid there thinking about whoever wrote it. It felt wonderful to be loved by someone.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 | drarry √Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя