What was that about?! Ugh, I can't possibly go back in there. He's gonna try to kiss me again. But I didn't know he liked me..does he? But I don't feel the same! I love Namjoon for crying out loud and he knows that! Why would he do something like that? I paced back and forth and tried to contemplate what was happening. Should I ask him? Maybe he has a logical explanation. But yet again its my fault. I probably gave him the wrong message.

Why did I ever agree to this stupid movie?! I'm already scared to death and its only been 30 minutes! I'm so stupid! I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath.

You can do this. Its just a movie. Just pretend Namjoon is here with you...Namjoon is my happy place. If I think of him everything will be okay. Yeah. Okay. Here I go.

I went back into the theater and sat back in my place.

"You feeling better?" JunHong asked.

"Yeah. I just needed to freshen up"

He handed me his sweater. "Its okay if you're scared. I promise I'll protect you Minji.."

I looked at him. "You will?"

He nodded and smiled warmly.

He's so nice to me, it would be stupid of me not to fall for him but sadly I am stupid. I'm in love with my sister's boyfriend, my best friend who will most likely never acknowledge me as a lover but a friend. That's all I will ever be. A friend. But what if I gave JunHong a chance? Maybe if I do I can forget about Namjoon and move on.

But yet again...What if I can't? What if I only end up hurting JunHong? What if I can't return the feelings he has for me?


I looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Is it okay for me to scoot closer to you?" He asked.


He waited for me to answer.




Once again I clung to him and hid my face in his chest. My arms around him.

"JunHong.... I'm scared..."

He put his arms around me and held me close.

"Don't be. I'm here with you..."

I smiled at his words and stayed in his arms. My heart fluttered and my stomach got this fuzzy warm feeling.


-2 Months Later-

It's White Day.

A day that I'm dreading, I wasn't expecting anything but that's not the reason I'm dreading it. I'm dreading it because Namjoon will most likely give Sunny something....

I didn't go to school on Valentine's Day because honestly...I didn't see a point.

Before I'd give Namjoon chocolates but of course he's my friend so he never assumed anything that had to do with a love love. He took it as friend love...


I walked down the stairs and came to a stop when I was passing the living room. I took some steps back and looked again.

A giant Rilakumma bear...There's balloons, a big and heart shaped chocolate box with roses...

I already knew none of that stuff was for me. I knew that it was for Sunny but why did I check who it was for and who it was from?

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