9 - The Popular Guy is a Madman

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"How did it go Princess?" asked Xiao Meng.

Yamato winked with an 'ok' hand sign, and of course Xiao Meng got no slightest idea about what that means.

The crown prince lived in two place. It consisted of his residence which Ren Xiu currently lived in, and the imperial palace. In order to introduce Ren Xiu to Qing Youya and Qing Lian, Ren Xiu was summoned to the imperial palace to Qing Rui's living quarter.

Yamato loves strolls especially in a warm clear day like today, it even terrifies Xiao Meng in case the princess would suddenly declare that she wants to take a nap here given her overly carefree behavior. However as the distance from Qing Rui's living quarter to the gate was quite far, Yamato didn't dare to sightsee much. In case he forgot the time by dawdling around too much, it would be night already, he was very scared with night in ancient time as it was very dark and quiet.

Reaching the gate without much trouble on the way, Xiao Meng let out a breath of relieve. However they didn't expect to find a certain girl sitting in a tea shop accross the street. It was An Xiao, the crown prince's pampered lover.

Not only did Ren Xiu noticed her, An Xiao noticed Ren Xiu as well. In fact, everyone whose eyes still capable to see noticed Ren Xiu that some even halted their activity to stare and enjoy the captivating sight of an ethereal goddess.

"Xiao Meng, let's use this rare chance to shop. I want to search for some ingredient, how about you? Do you want some sweets? Or accesories?" Ren Xiu walked away naturally, totally ignoring An Xiao who was still gazing at her from afar.

Xiao Meng ran up to Yamato with her small steps, "Are you sure to leave that wretched bitch alone?" she glanced reproachingly towards An Xiao.

"Hahahahahaha! Despite having a cute face you curse so naturally! I'm impressed!" the maids usually refer to An Xiao with any curse words possibly exist, despite being a meek rabbit who would tremble each time when faced with Qing Rui.

"Princess!" the maid pouted.

"What do you want me to do? I have no slightest interest to see her face, and i dislike using my time for something meaningless. Let's just shop."

Xiao Meng finally agreed, she felt better when Ren Xiu subtly regarded An Xiao as plain and meaningless. She followed suit with a rather excited face, afterall it was also a rare chance for Xiao Meng to shop in the capital.

It was warm and bustling with people. Some stall promoted their stuff by shouting like a desperate pigs which were not convincing, and some have the professional salesperson skill it made people splurge. The shops are all very vintage and authentic in Yamato's eyes, it was all very classic for a modern person who usually visit shops filled with factory mass produced stuffs. The place resembled a shopping district but without pollution, and Yamato found it pleasing in it's own way.

The area was quite crowded yet Xiao Meng insisted on walking behind Ren Xiu like a proper maid, "Come, let's hold hands, in case we got separated in this crowd," Yamato hold out his hand.

Xiao Meng shakes her head hastily, "No no no no no how could i be escorted by-"

"Shut up" Yamato cutted in and hold her hand without her consent, he knew Xiao Meng would only spout nonsense like statuses for excuse, "This is an order," he smiled playfully.

In his previous life, usually girls would fall straight in love once he did something like this. Like a typical popular male in shoujo manga, everything he did attracted cupids to pull their bow in a frenzy, even Xiao Meng was not immune as her heart beats faster. He was the type who were gifted with both iq and eq, popular with everyone with very few people disliking him. However he still lost to Yuuki, although that guy didn't possess much eq with his cold demeanor and sharp tongue, Yuuki was still the one who got to be loved by someone he loves.

Transmigrated as an Ignored Crown PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now