2 - Becoming Ren Xiu

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Yamato scanned his surrounding, trying his best to make sense of everything. He could make sure it was no prank, no props could be this authentic, no unknown actor could look this genuinely grieved.

Everything was on ancient setting, even the fresh unpoluted air could be identified. Anything he could accept, except his hurting back. He felt a sting so powerful it throbbed so acutely. Yamato has a strong resistance to pain hence he could manage to prop himself up and sit, making the crying man and woman in front of him hastily rushed to lay himself back down.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" he asked apologetically.

Everyone was startled, it was so visible that Yamato couldn't help but recoil as well. The woman with wet cheeks burst into tears once more. He have no slightest idea about what was going on, he could only peer through everyone present with an evident questioning clueless eyes.

"You don't remember us Xiu'er?" the wet eyed man revealed a skeptical, disappointed, yet soft looks.

Yamato propped himself up once more and tilted his head, "Xiu'er? Who?" he glanced down his body and found a pair of round snowy breasts attached to his body, making his already pale complexion worsen beyond sheets. Yamato was a calm and open-minded person, nothing have really shocked him, but this clearly go beyond his limit that he practically lost any words or motion to react.

"Seems like she has lost her memories" the imperial physician deducted.

"Why?" Qing Rui was confused.

"Memory loss can be caused by a wide range of condition, including severe illness, high fever, emotional stress, and anaesthetics" the imperial physician peeked a bit to Qing Rui, he knew it was all caused by this prince, "Allow this humble servant to check on her symptoms once more and write a prescription."

Ren Yuan and Qin Yixue could only make way and wait for the physician to check on their stupefied daughter. Feeling both sad and relieved, thinking that at least their daughter had managed to escape the door to the other world. None of them realized that the real Ren Xiu was already nowhere.

Yamato was still stupefied, staying still and letting the physician check on his body. He was utterly shocked, even his mouth was slightly gaped, staring blankly at nothing and refusing to believe that the breasts was reality.

The physician finished and were writing a prescription when Qing Rui approached Ren Xiu. Realizing a strapping figure beside his bed, Yamato looked up to him and made an apologetic questioning face. He has no recollection of this male-god.

Qing Rui, "Ren Xiu."

Yamato low laughed, "Ren Xiu? Is who?" he was simply blank and confused, feeling so helplessly clueless.

Qing Rui narrowed his eyes, "It's you."

Yamato felt as though he was struck by lightning. He stood up and hastily skimmed the room, he looked so shocked and panic stricken, "M-mirror! Is there any mirror!?"

Qin Yixue immediately ran up to her daughter who looked like she had just seen a ghost, "Xiu'er you are still sick! Lay down we will bring you mirror."

Yamato yielded and sat down, nonetheless still looking panicked, "Who are you?"

Qin Yixue held her tears at those words and mustered her strength, "I'm your mother Xiu'er," she bit her lower lip.

Surprise could be clearly seen on Ren Xiu's widened eyes, then it shifted to disconcert as she narrowed her sight. At this point Yamato already have several speculation. He assumed he had become a sickly girl called Ren Xiu. Not exactly sickly, Yamato could feel the scorching pain on his back, it was definitely a fleshy physical wound. If this body had encountered an accident, then the wound would be distributed all over the place, however the distinct pain only came from his back, he could deduct that it was definitely torture or abuse. Even after racking his brain, Yamato couldn't find the reason why this body was tortured, making him afraid to even ask.

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