"It is a possibility that they have an asset who can interrupt the electromagnet field of it. Kaminari, please use your quirk if you can be able to counter the disruptions," You bluntly said while Kaminari nervously nodded while he went to work. As you continued,"We must leave now. Class President. Please direct everyone out of the building immediately,"

"Wait, so does that mean Aizawa is just gonna fight all those bad guys by him self? He's not a hero primed for this type of fighting!" Midoriya complained while Aizawa gave him one last glance.

"Kid," He said as he leapt forward,"No good hero is a one trick pony,"

After that he was down and kickin' ass while you immediately tried to lessen the burden on Aizawa.

"Kurogiri," The man said as he turned to the man beside him.

"Yes, Shigaraki?"He answered while he only pointed at the group of kids.

"That kid... the one with the bird wings, she looks familiar doesn't she? I swear that I've seen her before... She reminds me of that little toy we were supposed to get awhile ago from that weird old scientist," Shigaraki said while Kurogiri stared at you.

"Actually...The reason for the absence of that order being that the business was infiltrated and destroyed by the hero association. Our little plaything, I suppose, being obtained by the hero association isn't a absurd possibility. It's quite possible that right there should belong to us," Kurogiri pointed out as Shigaraki was deep in thought.

"Hmm...I don't like it when people steal my things...," He said in his own raspy voice. He watched the group of children bundle together above him,"Don't let those brats escape. And retrieve what is ours..."

"As you wish," Kurogiri as he suddenly disappeared into thin air.

As you were trying to escort everybody out, the shadowy man appeared behind us.

"To escape, I can not allow that. Allow me to formally introduce ourselves. We are the league of villains and we're here to kill your symbol of peace," He said while in the corner of your eye, you saw Midoriya's face pale. The villain was explained a bunch of shit that was irreverent to the situation while you were only trying to process a way out of this situation.

Suddenly, Bakugo and Kirishima both leapt up at Kurogiri, but they passed through him like they were hitting air.

Plan...A plan...

You never felt so rushed before. Maybe now, it was because there were so many people in the equation. 

You suddenly saw Kurogiri surround the class. You looked at Iida who was inches away from being warped while in a flash you pushed him out of the way. You widened your eyes, not realizing what you had done, but you stared at Iida before being enveloped as he horrifically gawked at you.

As he was falling back you could only think to say one thing.


Bakugo stared horrifically while he watched you be enveloped by this black mist.

"(F/N)!!!" He screamed while he leaped head first into the black, shroud mist.

"Where...Am I? 

Hey guys small chapter yes I know, next chapter will be back to the regular size I promise.

Guys, I'm on major meds right now and it's basically just me popping a lot of pills because ha ya bich is in pain.

I'm fine nothing major to worry about I'm not dying just horribly in pain so I'm oke.

If you wanna know about updates basically the next story that will be updated is Light In My Shadow. After that will be Childhood Myth, then Fatality.

So basically please bare with my for awhile as most of my daily schedule now is like sleeping through the entire day and not being able to sleep at night for some bumfuck reason yay.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this shitty lol chapter and thanks for reading.


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