"I can't say."

"You say that every time."

"I know but it's really important," Nick said.

I sighed. "Again, you always say that."

Nick sighed softly. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Please, just come in."

I bit my lip and closed my eyes momentarily. "Yeah, okay. I'll be there soon."

The call ended and I got up. "I have to go, guys. I'll see you around. Don't get yourself killed."

"Can't promise anything," Nat called as I rushed away. I rolled my eyes and continued, throwing the middle finger over my shoulder. Nat was a pain in the ass most days but I loved her so much.  She was the one I trusted with everything. Even my feelings for Rhodey. They were low-key and weren't even worth mentioning but I told Nat everything. I trusted her with so many secrets even if they could cost me something.

I hopped onto the plane and gripped my backpack. I watched my surroundings and keeping to myself. I had grown up with Nick telling me over and over again to watch my back. He drilled into me to never wear headphones and always watch for warning signs.

My stop came and I got out. I headed to the base I needed to be at. I flashed my badge at the guard and bumped the door open with my shoulder. I was directed to a meeting room where Nick was. There were a few other higher members of SHIELD sitting down.

Nick waved his hand. "Charlie, please, sit down. We have a lot to talk about."

I squeezed my shoulder strap. "Is something up? Did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all," Agent Giles replied. "We're sending you somewhere else to work. Don't worry about it, Charlie. It won't be too hard for you."

I shifted from one foot to another. "Where do you need me?"

"With Agent Coulson," Nick replied.

"Isn't he dead?" I asked.

"No," Giles replied. "He's waiting for you outside with Lola."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course he kept that damn car."

"Language," Nick warned.

"Language," I mimicked. "I'll see you guys around."

I was about to leave but Nick called out my name, a clear warning in his voice. I stopped in my tracks and sighed. Nick dismissed everyone and I waited for them to leave. I looked at Nick and he stood with his arms crossed.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Drop the attitude, Charlie," Nick said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We don't need that from you," Nick said. "We just need you to do your job."

"Which I'm trying to do," I replied. "Can I go?"

"This doesn't mean we won't talk after you get back," Nick said as he leaned against the table. "I want you to understand how important it is that you do this. For me."

"You haven't done anything for me," I replied. "I have to go. Agent Coulson is waiting for me. Don't want to keep him waiting, don't we?"

I turned away and left without permission. I heard Nick call my name but I didn't stop. I left the base and joined Coulson in Lola. I tossed my bag on the floorboard and sat down, closing the door too roughly.

"Careful," Coulson exclaimed. "She's an old soul! Don't be too hard on her."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I thought you were dead."

"Do I look dead?" Coulson asked. "I don't too gray, do I?"

I laughed. "Maybe in the hair but no, not too dead. Let's go. I wanna go for a ride."

Coulson smiled and started the car. We took off and drove through the city. We left the city and I slipped off my shoes, propping my feet on the dashboard.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "I thought the ship would be somewhere near the base."

"Sorry to disappoint," Coulson said. "I couldn't park it in the middle of New York. It's a few miles outside of the city."

I slouched farther into my chair. "I love a good ride. We should take her for a fly."

Coulson gave me a look. "Not now. You might spread it to your friends."

"What friends?" I asked. "I'm an agent of SHIELD. I don't have friends."

"That's the life, kid."

"I'm no kid," I said. "I'm in my twenties."

"And? You're someone's kid."

I looked away, biting my lip.

"I've seen that look," Coulson said. "What is it?"

I took a deep breath. "Parent problems. It's nothing, really."

"Parents didn't give you attention as a kid or something?" Coulson asked.

I nodded, rubbing underneath my eye. "Yeah. Single dad and the adoption process was a pain for him. Especially with what his job was. He was gone all the time and never had time - why am I even telling you this? You don't know me. You don't care."

"I know someone like you. Her name is Daisy," Coulson said. "She had no place in the world. She was lost and didn't have a family. I helped her find her place and gave her a family. You'll find your family and your place, Charlie. Don't stress yourself out."

"Maybe I should go to you for advice," I joked. "You're really good at this stuff."

"I've been around."

"I've heard."

Coulson chuckled and everything became silent. The radio sang in the background as we finally left New York. Coulson took me to some field in the back roads. The ship was waiting there for us. Coulson took Lola into the bay and parked as the doors closed behind us.

I got off with my bag. "Where's my room?"

"Follow May," Coulson said.

I looked up. May was leaning against the railing. I went up the stairs and May started inside. I followed her in.

"You'll be sharing a room with Daisy," May said.

"Daisy Johnson?" I asked.


May led me through the halls and to a room. She opened the door and left. When I stepped in, I saw a woman my age sitting on one of the beds. She looked up from the tablet in her hands.

"Hey," she said. "You must be Charlie. I'm Daisy."

I walked into the room. "Yeah, that's me. I hope I'm not a bad roommate."

Daisy waved me off. "Don't worry. You'll be fine."

I shrugged. "Not my problem if I disappoint."

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