Traveling to Prague

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“I… I guess.” I answered with an awkwardly stuttering voice as rubbing my arms with my palms. With this she giggled and at last I saw her smile reach her eyes. I noticed she had a dimple on her left cheek. She was even more beautiful when she’s like this.

“Oh Megan, I know right! Even I am excited. I mean, it’s his first kill.” She spoke like a regular teenage girl at first but she left my jaw hanging when she ended her sentence. Oh the blood lust is strong on this one. I thought as the inner me tries to jump out of the car.

We reached the airport with me shutting my mouth all throughout the drive and Mika, starting to get on my nerves with her killing stories and how she plans on compiling them into an e-book. We parked on the far side of the airport where two men in black suits await.

The car engine turned off and both of the men in black opened the doors on each side of the car so we can get off easily. I took my back pack and my carry all with me but he insisted on bringing it in for me so I let him. I’m starting to wonder how wealthy Kyle’s family is. I know his mom is the mayor of Detroit but boy he sure is rich. I said to myself as I looked at the huge beautiful private plane and the black metalic descending stairs for us to take.

From the little door, I see Kathy in a black dress that matched mine and Mika’s. Only hers had an off shoulder cut that made her look ten times more decent and mature than she was last night. She waved at us and I noticed she had gloves to match her dress with. I smiled and waved back at her as I climbed up the stairs.

“Oh my gosh, I am so relieved that you’re here already. Where’s your passport? The embassy needs to check things up before we could go on board.” Kathy said.

“It’s on the inside pocket of my carry all.” I said.

“You heard it. Go check get it.” She commands at the man in black behind me as he hurried down to get my passport. “Come on, Kyle's waiting for you, he's been worried that you might have bailed out on him.” She said and I followed her.

On the brightly lit and spacious part of the plane I followed her and saw Kyle, looking out the window like he’s carrying the whole world on his shoulders.

I was just about to take my eyes off of him and look around the beautiful interior of this private plane but I realized I couldn’t. He looks so clean in his white tux and black polo neck undershirt. His hair was neatly combed but the back part of his hair seemed messed up, maybe because he was lying around with it. His lips and the tip of his nose seemed redder than usual. He ran his fingers against his lips, like he was thinking about something that bothered him so much and a small wrinkle formed between his brows.

“Will you stop stressing out? She’s here already.” Kathy broke the silence and Kyle looked towards our direction; his fingers, touching his lower lip and his chin. Oh his lips, his fingers. I mentally slapped myself for thinking this way. It just felt like somehow, what Peter did to me this morning awakened something in my past that I could not just easily decipher.

“Meg, I… I was just…” he stuttered.

“Oh, you even stutter like each other now?” Mika walked passed me and sat beside Kathy. A stewardess then gave them a cup of tea.

Kyle and I looked at each other and exchanged awkward smiles. This time, I saw the light come back to his beautiful blue orbs once again. He motioned for me to sit beside him and I did. From behind I saw Uncle George emerge from the little door where we just came from. It looked even smaller with his huge muscular physique that made his black tux extremely fitted.

I sat, avoiding any wrinkles in my dress as he kept looking at me in silence. It was awkward, pretending not to notice his stare so I felt like I had to open up a conversation. “So how many hours are we travelling?” I asked, finally finding the courage to let a word out.

BLOODLUSTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang