A Fever You Can't Sweat Out(Ryan Ross)

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Your POV

You know what's worse than being sick? Being sick in a van and touring with four guys. At least one of them is my lovely boyfriend Ryan. We've been together for 6 months barely, but we're kinda inseparable so I wanted to tour with them. 
Spencer's driving us right now. Of course, Fallout boy is blaring on the radio. Dance, Dance, obviously. I'm laying down in the back of the van, my head in Ryan's lap. "I'm gonna die Ryan. How on Earth is there not a stupid drugstore anywhere near here?!" I cough towards the end of the sentence. I admit I can be kind of annoying as hell when I'm sick. It's not something I'm proud of, but thankfully Ryan is always so understanding about it. 

"Sorry princess, you're gonna have to wait a while." He kisses my forehead, and starts playing with my hair. I close my eyes taking a deep breath, or at least what I can manage. It's nice to at least have someone taking care of you. Ryan is always so good at that. 

"You know, I should probably move. I'm gonna get you sick." I reopen my eyes, looking up at him. If anyone deserves to catch this shitty illness, it's not the sweetest one on the van. "Brendon! Mind if I sit with you?!" I shout to the back seat. 

"If you get anywhere near me Y/N, I'll throw you out of the van!" He semi-jokes with me. Asshole. It's cool though. Bren's been my best friend since forever. We like to joke, as anyone can tell. 

"Hey!" Ryan defensively shouts back. He turns his attention back towards me, looking down with such empathy. "It's ok, you can stay here." Man, he has to stop being so cute. If I kiss him, there's about a 100% he'll get sick too. I won't have that. 

"I'd rather get Brendon sick." I say, earning a quiet laugh from Ryan. "No, really. You're too cute to have to deal with this agony." I put a hand on my head, theatrically. He leans down to kiss me. I almost give in, completely forgetting. Nope. Not gonna happen. I turn away swiftly, stopping the kiss. 

"What's wrong?" He sounds so sad. I guess he hasn't registered it in his head why he can't kiss me. It's totally my fault. I shouldn't have stood so close to that guy at the gas station last night. He was coughing like crazy. Of course, leave it to me to assume that people are covering their mouths behind my back. 

"You'll get sick Ry." I state, to even my annoyance. It would've been much more convenient to get sick if Ryan was on tour without me. That would suck too though. I'm just going to have to hope for the best after I get some medicine in me. 

"I kissed you last night, what's the big deal?" I hate to see him so sad. Since, we've only been together for a little while, I'm not used to it. Ughhh. He's so adorable though.  

"I wasn't sick then. Just hold off till I can at least get some medicine." I plead with him. I'm pretty good at saying no to people, but not so good at it with Ryan. 

"What if I take some vitamin c or something?" His face lights up, like he's just had the best idea. It's not completely illogical. I mean, that stuff strengthens your immune system right? We don't have any on us, so he'd have to wait till the drug store. Doesn't seem scientifically sound to me. 


"Please, just let me kiss you Y/N." He's doing it again. "I don't care if I get sick." 


(A/N- Hope you enjoyed. I feel like this one had a lot of dialogue, which I kinda like. Pls comment your thoughts of what I can improve on and what you'd like to see more of. Ok, peace lovelies Xx) 

Panic! and IDKhow AUs and Oneshots x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon