Paris (Ryan Ross)

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(It was about time for some Ryan. I'll do one of Ryan S. later on, if anyone requests it. This takes place pre-split. Oh my god, I'm so sorry about how long this turned out lol.)

Warnings: Cursing 

Y/N= Your name

y/h/c= your hair color

Your POV 

Today was the day Panic! was preforming a show in Paris. I tagged along because it was somewhere I always wanted to visit. We were at the airport, my boyfriend Ryan sitting beside me  humming something with his earbuds in. The rest of the band sat directly across from us, in the waiting area. It was early, 3:30am. 

"Ryan." I quietly spoke, nudging his shoulder. 

"Hmm?" He stopped humming, taking out his earbuds. 

"I'm gonna be honest, I've never been on a plane ride this long. What if the plane crashes?" I held on tighter to my suitcase at the thought. Ryan removed my hand from the suitcase, placing it in his own. 

"We'll be fine, I'll be with you the whole time." He leaned me beside him, kissing my forehead. 

"Ughhh, it's too early for that. I hope the damn plane crashes, so I don't have to listen to you guys anymore." Brendon dragged out his words, shoving his pillow in his face. 

"Don't jinx it Bren!" I whisper shouted, seeing as people were trying to sleep around me. 

"Whatever." He turned around in his seat, putting on his purple hoodie, shutting his eyes forcefully. 

"Flight 318. You are now boarding." A woman's voice sounded through the speakers. Spencer, Jon, and Brendon were undisturbed, still half asleep. 

"Shit, that's, us!" I shouted at the boys. I scrambled to pick up my things. 

"Is it though?" Spencer squinted his eyes at the bright airport lights. 

"Just get up Spencer!" I was probably waking up everyone within the vicinity. The boys grabbed their carry ons and headed to boarding. We waited in line as the attendant scanned everyones tickets. I tightly held Ryan's hand.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna pass out." I was nervously rambling. Ryan looked at me with a funny smile.

"Um, think happy thoughts?" I knew he was just teasing me. 

I glared at him. "Not helping Ry." He laughed a little too loud, putting his arm around me. I found the slightest bit of relaxation in his touch, trying to slow my breathing. I handed my ticket to the attendant, Ryan doing so after me. We sat separately from Brendon, Spencer, and Jon towards the middle of the plane. 

Time skip brought to you by "No, but I got cheese whiz." ...

I woke up with my head on Ryan's shoulder, he was awake, staring at me lovingly. Checking my phone, I saw it was 3pm. We were landing. 

"This is the worst part." I muttered as I started to feel turbulence. Ryan intertwined our fingers. 

We landed quicker than I thought and I was just happy it was over. Once we were out of the plane, Brendon spoke up. 

"We don't have to be at the venue for another few hours. I'm heading to the hotel, but if you guys wanna split up and do your own thing till then that's fine. Just be at the venue by six."

"Y/N. Shall we?" Ryan offered his arm. I took it heading towards the doors of the airport. 

"What should we do? Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, perhaps hit up a coffee shop?" He asked me in a cheery mood. 

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