Told You So (Dallon Weekes)

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(Takes place in the TWTLTRTD era. Warnings: Cussing) 

y/n= Your name

y/e/c= Your eye color

Dallon's POV

"I swear she likes you." Brendon spoke, slurring his words, taking another sip of his drink. We were at my favorite bar. It was late, around 11pm. The place was almost completely empty, seeing as it was a Tuesday night. 

"Are you high? There's no way." I scoffed at his remark, ordering another shot for myself. "Look Bren, she's in a relationship." My voice lowered towards the end of the sentence. Brendon lowered his head, shaking it in response. 

"That guy? He's an asshole." He almost spit out his drink laughing. Definitely drunk. "I'll be right back." He stood up off of his stool, falling over onto the ground. Brendon got up, surprisingly quick. "I'm fine." He had the widest grin, looking over at the door, then walking to the restroom. I looked down at my drink, tracing the rim of the glass with my finger. My deep thought was disturbed by a voice. 

"I'll take what he's having." It was Y/N. She sounded happy but tired, sitting down next to me, taking Brendon's spot. Her gorgeous y/e/c eyes were laced with a certain gleam I hadn't seen before. The bar tender set down her shot, Y/N lifting it to her lips, tilting the bottom of the glass all the way up. She slammed it against the counter triumphantly.

 "What are you doing here Y/N?" I spoke up, a little worried. I had never seen her like this. 

"I did it. I broke up with him." She blurted out, a huge grin on her face. 

"Really? May I ask why?" I tried to be subtle. I have to admit I was relieved.

"You did meet him, correct?" She sarcastically asked, laughing at my question. 

"Yeah, no other reason though?" I tried to hide my blush.  

"Why so nosy all of a sudden?" Y/N raised her eyebrows jokingly.

Your POV

 He didn't reply to my sassy remark, only chuckling a little.  I knew what Dallon wanted to hear and I wanted to tell him. I was just waiting for the right moment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brendon making his way to the front door of the bar, or should I say running. 

"You're not staying Brendon?"I called him out, stopping his brisk exit. 

"Umm... no. I think I feel a cold coming on." He fake coughed, winking at Dallon and I. I rolled my eyes, as he promptly exited the bar, the little bell rang on his way out. I turned back around on my stool, facing Dallon's pretty face. His blue eyes wouldn't meet mine.

"I better get going." He left a tip on the counter, pulling on his jacket. I got up from my stool, stepping towards him.

"Before you go-" I pulled him in kissing his cheek, surprising him. 

"What's that for?" He smiled like an idiot completely unaware. 

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" I confidently asked. 

"Uhhh... what?" His voice became a little squeaky, causing me to hold back a laugh. He looked nervous and confused. I felt a little bad for not telling him earlier when he asked me why I had broken up with my boyfriend. "I mean- yes." He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly smiling at me. 

"Friday good?" 

"Yeah, Friday's good." He nodded his head looking at the ground, smiling out of disbelief I suppose. Seeing his smile made me happy. 

"Walk me home?" 

He returned a prompt "I'd love to." Taking my hand as we headed for the door together. He held the it open for me, as I stepped out into the fresh air. 

"Hey guys." Brendon sat by the entrance, against the wall, a beer in his hand. 

"Why are you still here Brendon?" I gave him a stern look, narrowing my eyes. 

"I just wanted to say something to Dallon." He let out a breathy laugh, downing the rest of his beer. 

"What Brendon?" Dallon ran his hand through his hair, annoyed.

"Told you so." 

(I know I just did a Dallon one, but I couldn't help my self lol. Pls vote and comment any requests you guys have. Xx)

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