Brendon Urie Maze Runner AU

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(In this AU you're in the glade as the first girl (If you're a guy, you can still read). You've been there for over 6 months and you and Brendon are a couple. Everyone is jealous of Brendon because of how beautiful and kind you are. Oh and all the boys in the glade are part of some band, so keep an eye out for your favorites. Xx) The Maze Runner is my favorite movie and book, so I've been wanting to do this for a long time.

A/N= A new line means a new person is talking.

y/n= Your name

Second person POV

Your eyes shot open when you heard the sound of pots and pans hitting the ground. Your got up from your hammock, Brendon still sleeping on the one next to you. His peaceful expression made you smile.

"Shuck, sorry to wake you Y/N." Frank, the Glade's very own chef, apologized as he stood crouched down several feet behind you by his hammock. He picked up the various pots and pans he had dropped, placing them into a bag.

"It's fine." You whispered, trying not to wake Brendon. "I think I'm gonna go on a walk, maybe get some stuff ready for the run today." You smiled at him, grabbing your backpack off the ground next to your hammock.

You headed out of the structure that held the sleeping quarters. The air smelled earthy and sweet. It was gloomy out. The sun had not yet risen and you loved this time of day. Everyone was asleep and you had the Glade to yourself. You walked past the walls of the Maze. You pondered a variety of things, passing the Deadheads. You ended up in what you called 'your happy place.' It was nothing more than a small shack you had built with Brendon. A place for you two to meet up alone. You sat on the damp ground closing your eyes for a moment, taking in your surroundings.

"Y/N?" Pete called out from a distance, disturbing your thoughts. You got up quick, hoping he hadn't seen where you were. You ran towards him.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked concerned as you came face to face with him.

"I was- uh- nothing. You need something?"

"No, I just saw you wander off and well... I followed you." He looked embarrassed.

"We don't run for a while still, I don't see why you needed to follow me." You stood your ground, almost angry at him. He blushed, which made you more mad. "I know you're the head of the runners, but you don't have a right to be keeping tabs on me. I don't see you doing that with Andy, Patrick, or Joe. So you can stop."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I- I just like you."

"Pete, you know I love Brendon." He nodded his head and turned around, walking back to the center of the glade. You let out a deep breath, flustered at what had just happened.

"Glad to see you're not cheating on me." A familiar voice said directly behind you. Brendon.

"How much of that did you see?" You face palmed.

"Enough." He laughed hugging you from behind. You turned around to look at him, his hands moving to your waist. "I'm sorry Y/N. I-I just like you." He mocked Pete making you giggle.

"What are we going to do about that?" You talked to him in a lovey dove way.

"Not sure Y/N. You're driving these slintheads crazy you know? Not as much as you are me though." He lifted you smiling as he kissed you gently and sweetly. Your hands went from his face to his neck. He set you down grabbing your hand. "C'mon I believe we have some running to do." You began walking back.

"Honestly Bren, you didn't have to become a runner for me. I'd be fine out there alone."

"Sure, but if you were to get eaten by a griever, I wouldn't forgive myself for not getting eaten too."

You lightly fake laughed, knowing it was a very real possibility. "Just promise me neither will happen?"

"Promise." He gripped your hand tighter. You reached the center of the glade. Everyone was up already, working. Gerard, head in command, overseeing it all. You headed to where the runners were standing, gearing up for the run. You and Brendon were still hand in hand.

"Y/N, Brendon." Pete shadily acknowledged you guys.

"Pete." You returned his snarky attitude.

"Hey guys, you ready?" Patrick cheerily greeted you guys. He was by far the nicest runner, who had not once hit on you. You were pretty sure he had a thing for Pete.

"Guess so." You smiled at Patrick leaning down to fix your shoelace. Dallon, second in command came running over with two plates of food.

"You guys missed breakfast." He handed you and Brendon the plates. "Frank said this is some of his best work."

"Thanks Dallon." You grinned at him starting to quickly eat your food. It really was some of his best work. He ran back to the gardens helping Ryan chop down a tree to make room for more plants.

You and Brendon finished eating. "Now that that's done, can we get going now?" Pete meant that as a rhetorical question. You were leaving.

To be continued...

(This is gonna have two more parts. Maybe more based on where the story goes. Hope you guys enjoyed. I'll be adding more band members the next chapter. Oh and quick question, does anyone know of the band Dance Gavin Dance? It's one of my favorite bands and I'd really like to add a band member or two from there, but I won't if no-one knows about them lol. Pls comment and vote Xxx)

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