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I go with Noah's suggestions and wear my denim shirt, long sleeve sweater with some thigh high boots.  He says I look amazing but I'm still very nervous. We're on the way to his mom's house right now.

We pull up to a house and Noah shuts off his Jeep, he turns to me and smile. "How are the nerves?"

"A volcano."

"Has it erupted yet?"

"Killing millions."

"Uh oh."


"Breathe baby, she will love you just as much as I do."

"Is there anything I should know?"

"Um her name is Kellee, she's my mom, and she will love you."

I unbuckle my seatbelt and take a deep breath. "Let's do this before I kill millions more."

"Hey." He leans over and kisses my lips softly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He quickly unbuckles, grabbing the keys, gets out and jogs over to my side and helps me out of the Jeep. We link hands and start walking up to the house.

He knocks on the door and a minute later, someone opens the door. "Hi honey," Kellee says and smiles at us.

We walk inside the door and Noah closes it behind us.

"Mom, this is Mia, my beautiful girlfriend. Mia, this is my beautiful mom, Kellee."

"Hello Mia, it's nice to meet you finally."

"Hi Kellee, it's nice to meet you too."

"Would you like anything to drink before dinner?" Kellee asks us.

"I'm fine, thank you," I say and look at Noah.

"I'm okay."

"Well start dinner once Tay gets here," Kellee says and I squeeze Noah's hand.

"Why is Tay coming?" Noah asks.

"She wanted to know Mia."

"She met her at my place already."

"But she wants to get to know her more."

"Um Kellee, what are we having for dinner?"

"Lasagna and garlic breadsticks."

"Sounds delicious."

"Let's go to the living room while we wait for Tay," Noah says and pulls me into the living room.

I look around the living room and see pictures of him and Tay all over.

"Do you have a favorite pic of Noah, Kellee?"

"Mom, don't you dare show her!" Noah says suddenly.

"I have to show her she asked, it's only nice, Noah," Kellee says and Noah groans.

"Oh I definitely want to see this picture now."

She gets up and goes over to a cabinet, grabs a photo album and turns to a page, hands me it. "This one," she says and point to one of Noah when he was about two, with a very toothy grin while covered in paint, naked.

I look down at young Noah and smile. "Aww you were so cute, what happened?"

Noah groans and closes the book.

"I was looking at that," I open the book back up and start looking at more pages when we hear the front door open and Tay walks in.

"Hi mom."

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