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'Can @noahcent be my best friend?' I tweet.

I recently finished The Fosters and became a little obsessed with Noah, but not like 'omg I love Noah can he be my boyfriend already?' Just I would love to have to him as a best friend and hang out with him.

I laid back on my bed and decided to read some of Noah's tweets. I like a few here and there, then decide to put on some music and start my homework.

"Mia, honey are you home yet?" I hear my mom call.

"Yes, I'm in my room doing my homework," I answer.

"Dinner will be ready in ten, please come set the table."

"Coming!" I finish the question I'm working on and head downstairs.

I head in the kitchen and grab the plates, forks, glasses, and napkins and start setting the table.

"How was school today, Mia?"

"It was good. I got my algebra exam back and got all but two right, the highest in the class."

"That's amazing honey. I knew you could do it."

"Thanks mom."

Just then my dad comes in the door, "hi honey," my mom says.

"Hello honey, hi Mia," my dad says.

"Hi dad."

"I hope you're both hungry cause dinner is done."

My mom brings over a dish of lasagna and garlic bread.

We all start eating and having small conversations until we're all finished.

I start grabbing the empty plates and start loading the dishwasher. Once everything is put away, I start the dishwasher and I head back upstairs to finish my homework.

I grab my phone and check to see if I have any notifications. I have a few from Twitter from people tweeting and a mention.

I slide my finger on the mention and it open the app.

'@browneyedboy: I think Noah would be a great best friend to you.'

'@heyitsmia: why do you say that?'

I set my phone down and it goes off. I turn it over and open Twitter back up.

'@browneyedboy: because you seem like a very interesting girl from your tweets.'

'@heyitsmia: thanks. 😊'

'@browneyedboy: you're welcome 😁'

I set my phone down and continue working on my homework. I finish around nine so I decide to take a shower and get ready for bed.

I get out of the shower and put on my pajamas; bright blue cami and some black booty shorts that are too big. I grab my brush and leave in conditioner from my dresser. I take my hair out of my towel and start brushing my hair. I spray some conditioner in and start brushing it. I do the other section of my hair then set the brush and conditioner on my bedside table and grab my laptop.

I open Netflix and start looking for something to watch. I decide on 'To All the Boys I've Before.' Yes I know Noah is in it but this is my first time watching it even though it's been out for months, and yes I have read the book when it came out.

'Finally decided to watch TATBILB. 😦'

'@heyitzlexi: About time slacker 😛'

I start laughing at my mention from my best friend, Lexi.

'@heyitsmia: not everyone is obsessed with Noah and watches his stuff 29388 times 😝 We still going to Neon's tomorrow?'

'@heyitzlexi: of course we are. Josh and Cami are coming too.'

'@heyitsmia: yay I have a social life and friends 😲'

'@heyitzlexi: oh shush and go watch 🥰Noah 🥰'

'@heyitsmia: oh am I 🤪'

I close the app and unpause the movie.

I think I would die if anything I wrote to someone secretly got seen by the person. I feel bad for Lara Jean so much at the beginning of the movie but get kinda jealous of her towards the middle/end of the movie cause she gets to spend so much time with Peter/Noah.

'Can I get a Peter K. in my life, soon?' I tweet.

I finish the movie and sit my laptop on my side table, making sure I plug it in for school tomorrow.

I grab my phone once again and get comfy under the covers. I check my Snapchat, watch a few snaps of my friends and some celebs. I close Snapchat and open Instagram. I scroll through my feed, I really hate their algorithm. I go to the search and start typing, Noah, and he comes up in the search results, I click on his name and start scrolling through his feed. I like a few pictures here and there, trying not to look like a 'Stan'. I go back three weeks on liking pictures.

I get a notification from twitter, I click the banner, opening Twitter.

'@browneyedboy: would you rather have Noah as your bff or Peter as your bf?'

I think for a minute and reply back, '@heyitsmia: I think I would rather have Noah as a bff. I know I'm crazy.'

'@browneyedboy: why?'

'@heyitsmia:‪ I would rather have Noah as a bff because we can hang out and be silly together, I can have a big brother, protector, and a great guy who I can call MY bff. Not offense to my bff now, I just always wanted a boy as a bestie.'‬

‪'@‬browneyedboy:‪ I totally understand. Do you care if I follow you?'‬

‪'@‬heyitsmia:‪ not at all, I'll follow you back. 😁'‬

‪'@‬browneyedboy:‪ thanks. TTYL 😎'‬

‪'@‬heyitsmia: ‪night. 😴'‬

‪I close out the app and plug in my phone. I set it on my side table and turn out my small lamp. I get comfy under the blankets and fall asleep. ‬

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